Linux Days Voralberg

 6 months ago
source link: https://carlschwan.eu/2023/10/03/linux-days-voralberg/
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Linux Days Voralberg

Last weekend I went to the Linux Days in Voralberg (Austria) to host a booth with Tobias and Kai. It was hosted at the Fachhochschule (a sort of university for applied science) in Dornbirn and it was my first time attending this event.

Me and Tobias in front of the LinuxDays poster at the entrance of the event
Me and Tobias in front of the LinuxDays poster at the entrance of the event

Our booth was well visited and we had a lot of interesting discussions. As always, we had various pieces of hardware on our booth: 2 laptops, a Steam Deck, a Pinephone, a graphic tablet with Krita and two Konqi amigurumis.

Our stand
Our stand

Between booth duty, I still managed to watched one talk about open source deployment in public institutions in Baden Wurtenberg (a region/state in German). After the linux days, we all went to a restaurant and mass ordered Käsespätzle. Käsespätzle is a traditional food from this region and is made of cheese, Spätzle (noodles) and onions. It was excellent.


On Sunday, Tobias and I went to Golm with a local we met the day before. We took a gondola lift to reach a high-rope park in the mountains and then took an Alpine Coaster to go back in the valley. It was a lot of fun.

The view from the gondola
The view from the gondola
Picture of the high-rope pakr
Picture of the high-rope pakr

After our little adventure, we again went to eat in a traditional restaurant.

Fish in a plate with noodles and pumpkin
Fish in a plate with noodles and pumpkin

Here a few more pictures of the trip:

Dornbirn market place
Dornbirn market place


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