Kalyani Steels Announces the Resignation of its CFO Bal Mukand Maheshwar

 6 months ago
source link: https://ceoworld.biz/2023/12/22/kalyani-steels-announces-the-resignation-of-its-cfo-bal-mukand-maheshwar/
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Kalyani Steels Announces the Resignation of its CFO Bal Mukand Maheshwar


On Thursday, Kalyani Steels announced the resignation of its Chief Financial Officer, Bal Mukand Maheshwar. In his resignation letter, Maheshwari expressed his desire to pursue a new career path.

After the conclusion of business hours on Monday, April 1, 2024, Maheshwari will no longer be associated with the company, as stated in an exchange filing by Kalyani Steels.

A part of the Kalyani Group, valued at over $3 billion, Kalyani Steels stands as a prominent manufacturer specializing in forging and producing high-quality carbon and alloy steels using the blast furnace method.

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