Using Zig to Unit Test a C Application

 8 months ago
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Using Zig to Unit Test a C Application

December 18, 2023

21-minute read

Zig is a new, independently developed low-level programming language. It’s a modern reimagining of C that attempts to retain C’s performance while embracing improvements from the last 30 years of tooling and language design.

Zig makes calling into C code easier than any other language I’ve used. Zig also treats unit testing as a first-class feature, which the C language certainly does not.

These two properties of Zig create an interesting opportunity: Zig allows you to add unit tests to existing C code. You can do this without rewriting any of your C code or build logic.

To demonstrate how to use Zig to test existing C code, I added unit tests to a real-world C application that I use daily.

The real-world C application: uStreamer 🔗︎

For the past three years, I’ve been working on TinyPilot, an open-source KVM over IP. TinyPilot allows you to plug a Raspberry Pi into any computer and then control that computer remotely.

To stream the target computer’s display, TinyPilot uses uStreamer, a video streaming utility that’s optimized for Raspberry Pi’s hardware.

Screenshot of TinyPilot in a browser window displaying a Dell boot screen

TinyPilot uses the C uStreamer application to stream video

I’ve been working with uStreamer for several years, but I find the codebase difficult to approach. It’s implemented in C, and it doesn’t have any automated tests.

I learn best by tinkering with code, so exercising uStreamer’s C code through Zig feels like a good way to learn more about both uStreamer and Zig.

Getting the uStreamer source code 🔗︎

To begin, I’ll grab the uStreamer source code. The latest release as of this writing is v5.45, so I’ll grab that version:

git clone \
  --branch "${USTREAMER_VERSION}" \

What’s the simplest C function in uStreamer? 🔗︎

For this exercise, the challenge is going to be using Zig, so I want the C part to be as simple as possible.

I want to find a dead simple function in uStreamer’s C code — something that I can feed some input, and it gives me some output that I can inspect easily.

Scanning through the filenames, I noticed base64.c. That sounded promising. I know that base64 is a scheme for encoding arbitrary data as a printable string.

For example, if I read 10 bytes from /dev/random into my terminal, I get some unprintable bytes:

$ head -c 10 /dev/random > /tmp/output && cat /tmp/output

If I encode the data as base64, I get clean, printable charcters:

$ base64 < /tmp/output

Here’s the signature of uStreamer’s base64 function:

// src/libs/base64.h

void us_base64_encode(const uint8_t *data, size_t size, char **encoded, size_t *allocated);

From inspecting the function’s implementation in base64.c, here’s what I deduce about the semantics of us_base64_encode:

  • data is input data to encode with the base64 encoding scheme.
  • size is the length of the data buffer (in bytes).
  • encoded is a pointer to an output buffer in which us_base64_encode stores the base64-encoded string.
    • us_base64_encode allocates memory for the output, and the caller is responsible for freeing the memory when they’re done with it.
    • Technically, us_base64_encode allows the caller to allocate the buffer for encoded, but, for simplicity, I’m ignoring that functionality.
  • allocated is a pointer that us_base64_encode populates with the number of bytes it allocated into encoded.

Here’s a simple test program to call this function from C:

// src/test.c

#include <stdio.h>

#include "libs/base64.h"

void main(void) {
  char *input = "hello, world!";
  char *encoded = NULL;
  size_t encoded_bytes = 0;
  us_base64_encode((uint8_t *)input, strlen(input), &encoded, &encoded_bytes);
  printf("input:        %s\n", input);
  printf("output:       %s\n", encoded);
  printf("output bytes: %lu\n", encoded_bytes);

I’ll compile it with gcc, a popular C compiler:

$ gcc src/test.c src/libs/base64.c -o /tmp/b64test
In file included from src/libs/base64.h:31,
                 from src/test.c:3:
src/libs/tools.h: In function ‘us_signum_to_string’:
src/libs/tools.h:194:34: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘sigabbrev_np’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
  194 |         const char *const name = sigabbrev_np(signum);
      |                                  ^~~~~~~~~~~~

Hmm, the code compiles, but I’m getting a lot of compiler warnings about a tools.h header that the uStreamer code includes.

If I look into src/libs/tools.h, I see that all the errors are around a single function: us_signum_to_string. Let me see if I can just comment out that function to clear away the irrelevant warnings.

DEBUG: Temporarily delete this function to get the build working again.
INLINE char *us_signum_to_string(int signum) {
  return buf;

With the pesky us_signum_to_string function removed, I’ll try to compile build again:

$ gcc src/test.c src/libs/base64.c -o /tmp/b64test && /tmp/b64test
input:        hello, world!
output:       aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==
output bytes: 21

Hooray, no more compiler warnings.

If I were trying to compile all of uStreamer, I’d have to figure out how to get us_signum_to_string to compile. For this exercise, I’m just calling us_base64_encode from Zig, so I don’t need us_signum_to_string.

If I compare my test.c program’s output to my system’s built-in base64 utility, I can verify that I’m producing the correct result:

$ printf 'hello, world!' | base64

The complete example at this stage is on Github.

Adding Zig to my uStreamer project environment 🔗︎

My favorite way of installing Zig is with Nix, as it allows me to switch Zig versions easily. Feel free to install Zig any way you prefer.

I added the following flake.nix file to my project, which pulls Zig 0.11.0 into my environment:

  description = "Dev environment for zig-c-simple";

  inputs = {
    flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";

    # 0.11.0
    zig_dep.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/46688f8eb5cd6f1298d873d4d2b9cf245e09e88e";

  outputs = { self, flake-utils, zig_dep }@inputs :
    flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
      zig_dep = inputs.zig_dep.legacyPackages.${system};
      devShells.default = zig_dep.mkShell {
        packages = [

        shellHook = ''
          echo "zig" "$(zig version)"

From here, I can run nix develop, and I see that Nix 0.11.0 is available in my project environment:

# There's a weird quirk of Nix flakes that they have to be added to your git
# repo.
$ git add flake.nix
$ nix develop
zig 0.11.0

Creating a Zig executable 🔗︎

The Zig compiler’s init-exe creates a boilerplate Zig application, so I’ll use it to create a simple Zig app within the uStreamer source tree:

$ zig init-exe
info: Created build.zig
info: Created src/main.zig
info: Next, try `zig build --help` or `zig build run`

If I try compiling and running the boilerplate Zig application, I see that everything works:

$ zig build run
All your codebase are belong to us.
Run `zig build test` to run the tests.

The uStreamer C file I want to call depends on the C standard library, so I need to make a small adjustment to my build.zig file to link against that library. While I’m adjusting, I’ll also replace the boilerplate binary name with base64-encoder:

    const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
        .name = "base64-encoder", // Change binary name.
        .root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
        .target = target,
        .optimize = optimize,
    exe.linkLibC();               // Link against C standard library.
    exe.addIncludePath(.{ .path = "src" });

Calling uStreamer code from Zig 🔗︎

Now, I want to call the us_base64_encode C function from Zig.

As a reminder, here’s the C function I’m trying to call from Zig, which I explained above:

// src/libs/base64.h

void us_base64_encode(const uint8_t *data, size_t size, char **encoded, size_t *allocated);

Figuring out how to translate between C types and Zig types turned out to be the hardest part of this process, as I’m still a Zig novice.

Here was my first attempt:

// src/main.zig

const ustreamer = @cImport({

pub fn main() !void {
    const input = "hello, world!";
    var cEncoded: *u8 = undefined;
    var allocatedSize: usize = 0;
    // WRONG: This doesn't compile.
    ustreamer.us_base64_encode(&input, input.len, &cEncoded, &allocatedSize);

That yielded this compiler error:

$ zig build run
zig build-exe b64 Debug native: error: the following command failed with 1 compilation errors:
src/main.zig:17:32: error: expected type '[*c]const u8', found '*const *const [13:0]u8'
    ustreamer.us_base64_encode(&input, input.len, &cEncoded, &allocatedSize);
src/main.zig:17:32: note: pointer type child '*const [13:0]u8' cannot cast into pointer type child 'u8'
/home/mike/ustreamer/zig-cache/o/9599bf4c636d23e50eddd1a55dd088ff/cimport.zig:1796:43: note: parameter type declared here
pub export fn us_base64_encode(arg_data: [*c]const u8, arg_size: usize, arg_encoded: [*c][*c]u8, arg_allocated: [*c]usize) void {

I had trouble understanding this error at first because so much of it was unfamiliar.

The important bit of the compiler error above is error: expected type '[*c]const u8', found '*const *const [13:0]u8'. It’s telling me that I tried to pass in a *const *const [13:0]u8, but Zig needs me to pass in [*c]const u8.

What does that mean?

Understanding the type I used 🔗︎

According to the Zig compiler, I passed in a parameter of type '*const *const [13:0]u8. To understand what this means, I’ll go from right to left:

u8 is an unsigned byte, which is how Zig represents characters in a string.

[13:0] means a null-terminated array. The 13 is the length of the array, which Zig calculates at compile-time. :0 means that the array has an extra byte with a value of 0 to indicate the end of the string. For more details about the mechanics of null-terminated strings in Zig, see my previous post.

*const means a constant pointer. A pointer is an address in memory, and the const means that subsequent code may not reassign the variable.

*const *const means a constant pointer to a constant pointer. In other words, input is a constant pointer to a string, so that means &input is a constant pointer to a constant pointer.

Converting a Zig type to a C type 🔗︎

Okay, now I understand how Zig views the string that I passed. What did Zig want me to pass as the input type?

expected type '[*c]const u8'

What the heck does [*c] mean?

This was surprisingly hard to figure out. I eventually pieced it together from a few different sources.

Here’s the official Zig documentation:

C Pointers 🔗︎

This type is to be avoided whenever possible. The only valid reason for using a C pointer is in auto-generated code from translating C code.

When importing C header files, it is ambiguous whether pointers should be translated as single-item pointers (*T) or many-item pointers ([*]T). C pointers are a compromise so that Zig code can utilize translated header files directly.


I didn’t understand the documentation, as it seemed to be warning against using C pointers rather than explaining what they are.

More Kagi‘ing led me to this explanation on reddit, which I found more accessible:

[*c]T is just a C pointer to type T, it says that it doesn’t know whether there are multiple elements in that pointer or not. There could be, there could not be. We also don’t know the length of it (it’s not a slice which has pointer+length, it’s just a pointer). And if there are multiple elements, we don’t know if it is say null-terminated or not.

-/u/slimsag on reddit

Okay, that makes more sense.

In C, a pointer is just a memory address and a data type. A C type of char* could point to a single character like 'A', or it could point to the first character in a sequence like "ABCD".

In Zig, a pointer to an array is a different type than a pointer to a single element. When Zig has to infer a data type from C code, Zig can’t tell whether the C code is referring to a single element or an array, so the C pointer type ([*c]T) is Zig’s way of saying, “I don’t know. I got this from C.”

Through trial and error, I figured out that Zig wanted me to get a pointer to input by referencing input.ptr rather than using the address-of operator &.

This Zig snippet shows the difference between the .ptr and &:

const input = "hello, world!";
std.debug.print("input     is type {s}\n", .{@typeName(@TypeOf(input))});
std.debug.print("&input    is type {s}\n", .{@typeName(@TypeOf(&input))});
std.debug.print("input.ptr is type {s}\n", .{@typeName(@TypeOf(input.ptr))});
input     is type *const [13:0]u8
&input    is type *const *const [13:0]u8
input.ptr is type [*]const u8

Recall that Zig wants me to pass us_base64_encode a parameter of type [*c]const u8, so it looks like it can convert [*]const u8 to that type.

Okay, let me try calling us_base64_encode again:

const input = "hello, world!";
var cEncoded: *u8 = undefined;
var allocatedSize: usize = 0;
ustreamer.us_base64_encode(input.ptr, input.len, &cEncoded, &allocatedSize);

That gives me:

$ zig build run
zig build-exe b64 Debug native: error: the following command failed with 1 compilation errors:
src/main.zig:12:54: error: expected type '[*c][*c]u8', found '**u8'
    ustreamer.us_base64_encode(input.ptr, input.len, &cEncoded, &allocatedSize);


The code still doesn’t compile, but Zig is now complaining about the third parameter instead of the first. That at least tells me that I’ve supplied the expected types for the first two parameters.

Translating the output parameters into Zig 🔗︎

The compiler error also contains a helpful bit of information for calling into the C implementation of us_base64_encode:

pub export fn us_base64_encode(arg_data: [*c]const u8, arg_size: usize, arg_encoded: [*c][*c]u8, arg_allocated: [*c]usize) void {

That’s the signature of the C function translated into Zig, so Zig is telling me exactly the types I need to pass in to call the function.

Alternatively, I can use the zig translate-c utility to translate this C function signature into Zig. This effectively gives the same results as the compiler error above, but it preserves the original parameter names, whereas the compiler error prefixes them with arg_.

# We add --library c to let Zig know the code depends on libc.
$ zig translate-c src/libs/base64.h --library c | grep us_base64
pub extern fn us_base64_encode(data: [*c]const u8, size: usize, encoded: [*c][*c]u8, allocated: [*c]usize) void;

From more trial and error, I eventually guessed my way to these semantics for calling us_base64_encode from Zig:

const input = "hello, world!";
var cEncoded: [*c]u8 = null;
var allocatedSize: usize = 0;
ustreamer.us_base64_encode(input.ptr, input.len, &cEncoded, &allocatedSize);

And it compiles successfully!

Can I do better than C pointers? 🔗︎

Recall what the Zig documentation said about C pointers:

The only valid reason for using a C pointer is in auto-generated code…

I’m writing this code by hand, so I guess I shouldn’t be using a type reserved for auto-generated code.

I know that the third parameter to us_base64_encode is a pointer to a null-terminated string. How do I represent that in Zig?

My first thought was to do this:

var cEncoded: [*:0]u8 = undefined;
ustreamer.us_base64_encode(input.ptr, input.len, &cEncoded, &allocatedSize);

That seemed reasonable. I know that us_base64_encode will populate cEncoded with a string, and [*:0]u8 represents a null-terminated string of unkown length. But when I compile, Zig said no:

error: expected type '[*c][*c]u8', found '*[*:0]u8'

I was stumped, so I asked for help on Ziggit, a Zig discussion forum. Within an hour, another user showed me a solution:

var cEncoded: ?[*:0]u8 = null;
ustreamer.us_base64_encode(input.ptr, input.len, &cEncoded, &allocatedSize);

The issue was that in C, a type of char** can be null, whereas a Zig type of [*:0]u8 cannot be null. That’s why Zig refused to let me pass in my previous attempt.

Breaking down the correct type of ?[*:0]u8, I see that it’s:

  • a null-terminated slice of bytes (:0]u8)
  • of unknown length ([*)
  • that might be null (?)

The new type allows me to compile the code, but if I try to print the value of cEncoded, I get what appears to be a memory address rather than a string:

$ zig build run
input:       hello, world!
output:      u8@2b12a0      # << whoops, not what I expected
output size: 21

In order to convert cEncoded back to a printable string, I have to unwrap it from its optional variable by verifying in code that its value is non-null:

var cEncoded: ?[*:0]u8 = null;
ustreamer.us_base64_encode(input.ptr, input.len, &cEncoded, &allocatedSize);
const output: [*:0]u8 = cEncoded orelse return error.UnexpectedNull;


std.debug.print("output:      {s}\n", .{output});

And then it prints the correct result:

$ zig build run
input: hello, world!
output: aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==
output size: 21

Completing the call to C from Zig 🔗︎

At this point, I now have complete working code for calling the C us_base64_encode from Zig. Here’s the full src/main.zig file:

// src/main.zig

const std = @import("std");

// Import the base64 implementation from uStreamer's C source file.
const ustreamer = @cImport({

pub fn main() !void {
    // Create a standard Zig string.
    const input = "hello, world!";

    // Create variables to store the ouput parameters of us_base64_encode.
    var cEncoded: ?[*:0]u8 = null;
    var allocatedSize: usize = 0;

    // Call the uStreamer C function from Zig.
    ustreamer.us_base64_encode(input.ptr, input.len, &cEncoded, &allocatedSize);

    // Get the output as a non-optional type.
    const output: [*:0]u8 = cEncoded orelse return error.UnexpectedNull;

    // Free the memory that the C function allocated when this function exits.
    defer std.c.free(cEncoded);

    // Print the input and output of the base64 encode operation.
    std.debug.print("input:       {s}\n", .{input});
    std.debug.print("output:      {s}\n", .{output});
    std.debug.print("output size: {d}\n", .{allocatedSize});
$ zig build run
input:       hello, world!
output:      aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==
output size: 21

Great! That worked. And the results are identical to my C implementation above.

The complete example at this stage is on Github.

Creating a Zig wrapper for the native C implementation 🔗︎

At this point, I can successfully call the C us_base64_encode function from Zig, but the code is a bit messy. Most of my main() function is dealing with translating values to and from C code.

One way to improve the code is to add a Zig wrapper function for us_base64_encode. That way, I could encapsulate all the Zig to C interop logic, and callers of my wrapper wouldn’t have to know or care that I’m calling C.

What should my wrapper function look like?

It should accept arbitrary bytes and return a null-terminated string, so the function signature should look something like this:

fn base64Encode(data: []const u8) [:0]u8 {...}

I already have the first few lines of my implementation based on my main() function above:

fn base64Encode(data: []const u8) [:0]u8 {
  var cEncoded: ?[*:0]u8 = null;
  var allocatedSize: usize = 0;

  ustreamer.us_base64_encode(data.ptr, data.len, &cEncoded, &allocatedSize);

  // TODO: Complete the implementation.

Who’s responsible for freeing the memory C allocated? 🔗︎

There’s a problem I haven’t addressed yet. us_base64_encode allocated memory into the cEncoded pointer. The caller is responsible for either freeing that memory or passing off that responsibility to its callers.

Normally, it’s fine for a function to declare that the caller is responsible for freeing an output value, but this case is a little trickier. This isn’t a normal Zig-allocated memory buffer — it’s a C-allocated buffer that requires a special free function (std.c.free).

I want to abstract away the C implementation details, so callers shouldn’t have to use a C-specific memory freeing function.

That tells me what I need to do to complete the implementation of my Zig wrapper. I use defer std.c.free to free the C-allocated memory, and then I’ll need to copy it into a Zig-managed slice:

fn base64Encode(data: []const u8) ![:0]u8 {
  var cEncodedOptional: ?[*:0]u8 = null;
  var allocatedSize: usize = 0;

  ustreamer.us_base64_encode(data.ptr, data.len, &cEncodedOptional, &allocatedSize);
  const cEncoded: [*:0]u8 = cEncodedOptional orelse return error.UnexpectedNull;

  // Get the output as a non-optional type.
  const output: [*:0]u8 = cEncoded orelse return error.UnexpectedNull;

  // Free the C-allocated memory buffer before exiting the function.
  defer std.c.free(cEncoded);

  // TODO: Copy the contents of cEncoded into a [:0]u8 buffer.

Converting a C string to a Zig string 🔗︎

At this point, I’ve got the string as a [*:0]u8 (unknown length, zero-terminated Zig slice), but I want to return [:0]u8 (length-aware, null-terminated Zig slice). How do I convert a C-style string to a Zig slice?

In my previous post, I converted a C string to a Zig string with this process:

  1. Create a Zig slice of the C string using std.mem.span.
  2. Use allocator.dupeZ to copy the contents of the slice into a newly allocated Zig slice.

That process would work here, but I’d be doing a useless work in step (1). std.mem.span has to iterate the string to find the null terminator. In this code, I already know where the null terminator is because us_base64_encode stores that information in the allocatedSize parameter.

Instead, I create a length-aware Zig slice of the cEncoded slice like this:

// The allocatedSize includes the null terminator, so subtract 1 to get the
// number of non-null characters in the string.
const cEncodedLength = allocatedSize - 1;

// Convert cEncoded (unknown length slice) to a length-aware slice.
const outputLengthAware: [:0] = cEncoded[0..cEncodedLength :0];

At this point, I can complete the implementation of my wrapper function:

fn base64Encode(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, data: []const u8) ![:0]u8 {
    var cEncoded: [*c]u8 = null;
    var allocatedSize: usize = 0;

    ustreamer.us_base64_encode(data.ptr, data.len, &cEncoded, &allocatedSize);

    // Get the output as a non-optional type.
    const output: [*:0]u8 = cEncoded orelse return error.UnexpectedNull;

    // Free the C-allocated memory buffer before exiting the function.
    defer std.c.free(cEncoded);

    // The allocatedSize includes the null terminator, so subtract 1 to get the
    // number of non-null characters in the string.
    const cEncodedLength = allocatedSize - 1;
    return allocator.dupeZ(u8, cEncoded[0..cEncodedLength :0]);

To call dupeZ, I need a Zig allocator, so I adjusted the semantics of my base64Encode wrapper to accept a std.mem.Allocator type.

Tying it all together 🔗︎

With my Zig wrapper in place, it’s now trivial to exercise the C us_base64_encode function from Zig.

Recall that my previous code looked like this:

const input = "hello, world!";
var cEncoded: ?[*:0]u8 = null;
var allocatedSize: usize = 0;
ustreamer.us_base64_encode(input.ptr, input.len, &cEncoded, &allocatedSize);
const output: [*:0]u8 = cEncoded orelse return error.UnexpectedNull;
defer std.c.free(cEncoded);

With my Zig wrapper, the semantics simplify to two lines:

const output = try base64Encode(allocator, "hello, world!");
defer allocator.free(output);

Here’s the full example:

const std = @import("std");

// Import the base64 implementation from uStreamer's C source file.
const ustreamer = @cImport({

fn base64Encode(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, data: []const u8) ![:0]u8 {
    var cEncodedOptional: ?[*:0]u8 = null;
    var allocatedSize: usize = 0;

    ustreamer.us_base64_encode(data.ptr, data.len, &cEncodedOptional, &allocatedSize);
    const cEncoded: [*:0]u8 = cEncodedOptional orelse return error.UnexpectedNull;
    defer std.c.free(cEncodedOptional);

    const cEncodedLength = allocatedSize - 1;
    return allocator.dupeZ(u8, cEncoded[0..cEncodedLength :0]);

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    const allocator = gpa.allocator();
    defer _ = gpa.deinit();

    const input = "hello, world!";
    const output = try base64Encode(allocator, input);
    defer allocator.free(output);

    // Print the input and output of the base64 encode operation.
    std.debug.print("input:       {s}\n", .{input});
    std.debug.print("output:      {s}\n", .{output});
    std.debug.print("output size: {d}\n", .{output.len});
$ zig build run
input:       hello, world!
output:      aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==
output size: 20

The output size is now 20 instead of 21 because the underlying data type changed. Previously, I was printing the output size parameter that us_base64_encode populated, which included the null terminator. Now, I’m using the .len property of the output string, which does not include the null terminator.

The complete example at this stage is on Github.

Creating the first unit test 🔗︎

Now that I can call the C us_base64_encode function through a convenient Zig wrapper, I’m ready to start writing unit tests to verify that the C implementation is correct.

The first thing I need to do is make a couple of small adjustments to my build.zig file so that the unit tests can access libc and uStreamer’s C source files:

// build.zig

    const unit_tests = b.addTest(.{
        .root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
        .target = target,
        .optimize = optimize,
    unit_tests.linkLibC();                          // Link against libc.
    unit_tests.addIncludePath(.{ .path = "src" });  // Search src path for includes.

I’ve already done the heavy lifting here by writing my Zig wrapper function, so writing my first unit test is straightforward:

// src/main.zig

test "encode simple string as base64" {
    const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
    const actual = try base64Encode(allocator, "hello, world!");
    defer allocator.free(actual);
    try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==", actual);

The zig build test command runs my unit test:

$ zig build test --summary all
Build Summary: 3/3 steps succeeded; 1/1 tests passed
test success
└─ run test 1 passed 1ms MaxRSS:1M
   └─ zig test Debug native success 2s MaxRSS:211M

Success! My first unit test is working and exercising the C code.

The complete example at this stage is on Github.

Checking for false positive test results 🔗︎

My unit test is succeeding, but I want to ensure that the test is truly executing the C code and not just returning a false positive. I can verify this by intentionally introducing a bug into the C code.

This is a snippet from the implementation of base64.c:

#    define OCTET(_name) unsigned _name = (data_index < size ? (uint8_t)data[data_index++] : 0)
#    undef OCTET

Let me try swapping the order of these two lines:

    OCTET(octet_c); // I've swapped these
    OCTET(octet_b); // two lines.

And here’s what happens when I try re-running my unit test on the C function after my tampering:

$ zig build test --summary all
run test: error: 'test.encode simple string as base64' failed: ====== expected this output: =========

======== instead found this: =========

Cool, the test works!

When I introduced a bug into us_base64_encode, my test failed and revealed the bug.

Adding multiple unit tests 🔗︎

I’d like to extend my single test case into many test cases to increase my confidence that I’m exercising more of the C function’s logic.

Half of the lines in my first unit test were boilerplate around managing memory, so I’d like to avoid repeating that for each test. I wrote a utility function to capture the boilerplate:

fn testBase64Encode(
    input: []const u8,
    expected: [:0]const u8,
) !void {
    const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
    const actual = try base64Encode(allocator, input);
    defer allocator.free(actual);
    try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(expected, actual);

My test utility function allows me to add new tests easily:

test "encode strings as base64" {
    try testBase64Encode("", "");
    try testBase64Encode("h", "aA==");
    try testBase64Encode("he", "aGU=");
    try testBase64Encode("hel", "aGVs");
    try testBase64Encode("hell", "aGVsbA==");
    try testBase64Encode("hello, world!", "aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==");

test "encode raw bytes as base64" {
    try testBase64Encode(&[_]u8{0}, "AA==");
    try testBase64Encode(&[_]u8{ 0, 0 }, "AAA=");
    try testBase64Encode(&[_]u8{ 0, 0, 0 }, "AAAA");
    try testBase64Encode(&[_]u8{255}, "/w==");
    try testBase64Encode(&[_]u8{ 255, 255 }, "//8=");
    try testBase64Encode(&[_]u8{ 255, 255, 255 }, "////");
$ zig build test --summary all
Build Summary: 3/3 steps succeeded; 2/2 tests passed
test success
└─ run test 2 passed 2ms MaxRSS:2M
   └─ zig test Debug native success 2s MaxRSS:195M

The complete example at this stage is on Github.

Wrap up 🔗︎

Because of Zig’s excellent interoperability with C, it’s possible to add unit tests to an existing C application without modifying any of the C code or build process.

In the example I showed, the C code doesn’t know about Zig at all, and it continues to work as-is with no changes to its existing Makefile.

I found this exercise a useful way of learning more about both the Zig language and the C code I’m testing.

Thanks to the Ziggit community for their help with this blog post. Excerpts from uStreamer are used under the GPLv3 license.

About Joyk

Aggregate valuable and interesting links.
Joyk means Joy of geeK