Sentry, a Developer’s Partner, Interview with Co-Founder David Cramer

 6 months ago
source link: https://pybit.es/articles/sentry-a-developers-partner-interview-with-co-founder-david-cramer/
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Sentry, a Developer’s Partner, Interview with Co-Founder David Cramer

By PyBites Team on 30 October 2023

This week PDM coaches Hugh + Ryan talk with David Cramer, Co-founder and CTO of Sentry!

Listen here:

Also on YouTube:

They delve into the journey of Sentry and its rise as an essential tool for developers.

David highlights how Sentry’s developer-first approach significantly contributed to its growth.

They touch upon community-centric decisions and the emphasis Sentry places on giving back.

The discussion also ventures into the synergy between Sentry and Python and the attributes they prioritize when hiring.

This episode is a treasure trove of insights for anyone in the tech industry.

00:00 Introduction
03:00 Wins of week
06:32 What is Sentry?
09:37 Growth of Sentry + developer centered
14:20 Top down decisions + giving back
18:24 Industry events and branding
21:18 Sentry and Python synergies
24:50 Htmx developments and Python features
27:19 Attracting talent in Sentry
31:10 Valuable attributes of people you hire
34:43 Pairing app and infrastructure metrics
41:06 “Blade runner concept” to debugging production system
41:46 Key message / insight / final thought for audience
45:48 What do you do in your free time?
47:20 Books & videos tips: Cal Newport + YT construction content
49:48 Wrap up and resources
50:36 Outro music

Links and resources:
– Check out Sentry here
– David Cramer on LinkedIn
– Factorio game
– Blade runner movie

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