Using Zig to Call C Code: Strings

 9 months ago
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Using Zig to Call C Code: Strings

December 15, 2023

15-minute read

Zig is a new, open-source programming language designed to replace C. I’m still a Zig beginner, so I’m trying to learn the language by using Zig to rewrite parts of existing C applications.

One of the first challenges I encountered with Zig is understanding strings. I couldn’t find detailed documentation about how Zig strings work when calling C code, so I’m sharing my findings in case they’re helpful to others who want to use Zig to call C.

A brief primer on C strings 🔗︎

Before I explain how to pass Zig strings into C code, I’ll provide some background on how strings work in C.

In C, a string has a type of char*.

char* example = "Hi, I'm a C string!";

A C string is just a sequence of characters. A type char* means the variable stores the memory address of the first character in that sequence.

Frustratingly, the char* type doesn’t tell the C compiler where the string ends. Instead, C applications indicate the end of a string with a “null terminator,” a byte after the last character in a string with the value of 0.

If I call strlen, which returns the length of a string, it tells me the number of characters in the string, excluding the null terminator:

printf("strlen=%lu\n", strlen("hi"));

Even though strlen says the string has length two, the sizeof function tells me the size of the string in bytes, which is three:

printf("sizeof=%lu\n", sizeof("hi"));

The reason sizeof returns 3 for a two-character string is that C implicitly added a null terminator at the end of the string.

I can prove the null terminator is there by printing the value of the each character in the string:

char s[] = "hi";
printf("%s=[%c, %c, %d]\n", s, s[0], s[1], s[2]);
hi=[h, i, 0]

Strings in C and C++ are extremely fragile and frequently cause security vulnerabilities and application crashes. Because the compiler doesn’t know the length of the string, it’s easy for C code to accidentally overwrite memory that belongs to other variables in your application.

A basic Zig string 🔗︎

Zig is designed to be a modern replacement for C, so it has a difficult job. It has to correct the mistakes of C while also making it easy to interoperate with legacy C code.

Here’s a simple Zig application to demonstrate how strings work:

const std = @import("std");

pub fn main() !void {
    const s = "hello";
    std.debug.print("s is type {s}\n", .{@typeName(@TypeOf(s))});
$ zig run src/strings.zig
s is type *const [5:0]u8

The string "hello" in Zig has a type of *const [5:0]u8.

There’s a lot of information in the variable type, so I’ll explain it from right to left.

u8 is how Zig represents a byte, which is an unsigned value of 8 bits.

:0 means that this is a sentinel-terminated buffer with a sentinel value of 0 (i.e., a null-terminated buffer).

const means that this is a constant variable, so I can’t change it after I assign a value.

* means that this value is a pointer to a memory location.

Two important takeaways here:

  • Zig knows the length of the string variable.
  • Zig adds a null terminator to strings.

Zig’s null terminator is for C compatibility 🔗︎

In C, a null terminator effectively determines the length of the string. If you have a five-character string, and you replace character 3 with a null byte, every C string function now considers that string to be two characters long.

// Truncating a string in C.
char s[] = "hello";
s[2] = '\0';
printf("s=[%s]\n", s);
printf("len=%lu\n", strlen(s));

In Zig, a string still has a null terminator, but as far as I can tell, the null terminator is meaningless to Zig APIs. When I print the string or check its length, a null character makes no difference. Zig knows the string’s true length regardless of where it finds a null character.

// Trying to null-terminate a string in the middle in Zig.
const s = [_:0]u8{ 'h', 'e', 0, 'l', 'o' };
std.debug.print("s={s}\n", .{s});
std.debug.print("s.len={d}\n", .{s.len});

Understanding null-termination in Zig 🔗︎

The len field excludes the null character 🔗︎

When you declare a string in Zig, it has a len property to report the string’s length. Interestingly, the length excludes the null-termination character:

const s = "hi";
std.debug.print("s.len={d}\n", .{s.len});

I know that the length of the string is actually three because it has to store the null byte as well. I can prove it by checking the size of the string in bytes:

const s = "hi";
// Dereference the string s with s.*. Otherwise, Zig would report the size of
// the pointer.
std.debug.print("@sizeOf={d}\n", .{@sizeOf(@TypeOf(s.*))});

Where is the real array boundary? 🔗︎

In most languages, if an array has size N, you’re only able to read up to slot N - 1 in the array. For example, in an array of size 2, you can read slot 0, and you can read slot 1, but reading slot 2 will either cause a runtime crash or have undefined behavior.

Zig’s normal arrays behave similarly to other languages, but Zig’s sentinel-terminated arrays allow you to read one slot beyond the supposed end of the array. This is because, despite what .len claims, there’s an extra slot for the sentinel value:

var s = "hi";
std.debug.print("s[{d}]={d}\n", .{ s.len, s[s.len] });

At first, I wasn’t sure if I was understanding the behavior properly. Maybe I’m actually reading beyond the array bounds, but the next byte in memory happens to be 0?

No, the Zig documentation confirms that you can read slot N in an N-length sentinel-terminated array:

Sentinel-terminated slices allow element access to the len index.


I can also try to read slot N + 1 and see that Zig refuses to compile the code:

var s = "hi";
std.debug.print("s[{d}]={d}\n", .{ s.len + 1, s[s.len + 1] });
src/corrupt-string.zig:5:59: error: index 3 outside array of length 2 +1 (sentinel)
    std.debug.print("s[{d}]={d}\n", .{ s.len + 1, s[s.len + 1] });

The compiler message says explicitly that the variable has length 2 + 1, so it’s reserving an extra slot for the null terminator.

You can’t overwrite the null-terminator 🔗︎

The Zig documentation claims that the [:0] syntax means that Zig “guarantees a sentinel value at the element indexed by the length.”

I decided to test this by overwriting the null character in a null-terminated buffer:

var s = [_:0]u8{ 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o' };
s[s.len] = 'A';

The above code compiles and runs without an error.

That’s surprising. Isn’t Zig supposed to guarantee the null-termination property?

It turns out that Zig guarantees null-termination by ignoring assignments that overwrite the null-terminator character. So even though my code told Zig to overwrite the null-termination character, Zig casually ignores the assignment, thus preserving the null-termination property.

var s = [_:0]u8{ 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o' };
s[s.len] = 'A';  // This line has no effect.
std.debug.print("s[{d}]={d}\n", .{ s.len, s[s.len] });

Passing Zig strings to C code 🔗︎

Now that I understand how Zig strings work, I can show how to leverage Zig’s null-termination guarantees to call into C code more safely.

Imagine that from my Zig code, I want to call a C function that takes a string parameter. As an example, I’ll show how I’d call the C standard library strlen function:

// Returns the length of the C string str.
size_t strlen(const char* str);

strlen is a simple function. It iterates through a string looking for the first 0 byte and returns the number of bytes that weren’t 0.

To call functions that the C standard library declares in its string.h header file, I import the header like this in Zig:

const cString = @cImport({

That allows me to call the strlen function from Zig like this:


With that in mind, let me create a Zig-native wrapper for the C strlen function:

fn strlen(str: [:0]const u8) usize {
    return cString.strlen(str);

I define the parameter as [:0]const u8 to ensure that any Zig caller passes a string that’s null-terminated. This provides a degree of safety not possible in C, as Zig enforces the null termination, whereas C can’t guarantee any string is null-terminated.

Here’s a complete Zig program to demonstrate the behavior:

// src/wrap-strlen.zig

const std = @import("std");

const cString = @cImport({

fn strlen(str: [:0]const u8) usize {
    return cString.strlen(str);

pub fn main() !void {
    const s = "hi";
    std.debug.print("strlen({s})={d}\n", .{ s, strlen(s) });

I can use zig run to compile and run this example. I’m importing string.h, a header from the C standard library, so I need to pass --library c to tell the Zig compiler to link against libc.

$ zig run src/wrap-strlen.zig --library c

Cool, that works how I expected. I’m using C’s strlen function to calculate the length of a string I created from Zig.

What happens if I try to pass in a string that’s not null-terminated?

const notNullTerminated = [_]u8{ 'h', 'i' };
std.debug.print("strlen({s})={d}\n", .{ notNullTerminated, strlen(&notNullTerminated) });
$ zig run src/wrap-strlen-badcall.zig --library c
src/wrap-strlen-badcall.zig:13:71: error: expected type '[:0]const u8', found '*const [2]u8'
    std.debug.print("strlen({s})={d}\n", .{ notNullTerminated, strlen(&notNullTerminated) });
src/wrap-strlen-badcall.zig:13:71: note: destination pointer requires '0' sentinel
src/wrap-strlen-badcall.zig:7:16: note: parameter type declared here
fn strlen(str: [:0]const u8) usize {


Zig catches the error at compile time because it sees that strlen requires a null-terminated string ([:0]u8), but notNullTerminated is type const [2]u8, so it’s missing the null-termination property.

Null-termination is not a strict guarantee 🔗︎

Even though the Zig compiler makes calling into C string functions safer, it still can’t guarantee for sure that a type of [:0]u8 is null-terminated.

I can trick Zig by creating a slice from an existing array and incorrectly declaring it to be null-terminated:

var a = [_]u8{ 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o' };
// This is a lie, as this slice isn't really null-terminated.
const s = a[0..2 :0];
std.debug.print("strlen({s})={d}\n", .{ s, strlen(s) });

If I compile this code with default settings, Zig adds debug checks that cause a panic at runtime:

$ zig run src/wrap-strlen-evil.zig --library c
thread 43926 panic: sentinel mismatch: expected 0, found 108
/home/mike/ustreamer/src/wrap-strlen-evil.zig:13:16: 0x21fefc in main (wrap-strlen-evil)
    const s = a[0..2 :0];
/nix/store/bg6hyfzr1wzk795ii48mc1v15bswcvp3-zig-0.11.0/lib/zig/std/start.zig:574:37: 0x220477 in main (wrap-strlen-evil)
            const result = root.main() catch |err| {
???:?:?: 0x7ffff7dffacd in ??? (libc.so.6)
Unwind information for `libc.so.6:0x7ffff7dffacd` was not available, trace may be incomplete

The error sentinel mismatch: expected 0, found 108 means that at slot 2 in the slice, Zig expected to find a 0 byte (null terminator), but it found the 'l' character (represented as 108).

If I compile the code in release mode, the program has undefined behavior:

$ zig run src/wrap-strlen-evil.zig --library c -O ReleaseFast

Zig sees the string s as having two characters ("he") because it knows the length of the slice. C doesn’t have length information, so it searches for the first null byte, which causes the program to read beyond the memory allocated for the a array. Depending on the environment, this program could crash with an access violation because it’s reading memory beyond what it allocated.

Receiving C strings in Zig 🔗︎

Okay, so I’ve shown how to write a Zig wrapper around a C function that takes a string as an input parameter.

How do I handle C functions that produce C strings as output?

As an example, I’ll show how to create a Zig wrapper around the C strdup function:

// Returns a pointer to a null-terminated byte string, which is a duplicate of
// the string pointed to by str1. The returned pointer must be passed to free to
// avoid a memory leak.
char* strdup(const char* str1);

As the comment says, strdup takes a string, allocates memory for a copy of that string, then copies the contents of the string into the newly allocated buffer.

A Zig wrapper for the C strdup function might look like this:

fn strdup(str: [:0]const u8) ![*:0]u8 { ... }

The function takes as input a null-terminated string. The return value is ![*:0]u8, which breaks down as:

u8 means an unsigned byte.

[*:0] means a null-terminated slice of unknown length. This differs from [:0], as the latter means that Zig knows the slice’s length and makes it accessible through the .len property. For a type of [*:0], Zig doesn’t know the length, just that it terminates with a null byte.

! means that this function may return an error. The error is possible because the underlying C strdup function can fail.

Now that I’ve explained the inputs and outputs to this function, let me take a try at implementing it:

const StrdupError = error{

fn strdup(str: [:0]const u8) ![*:0]u8 {
    const copy = cString.strdup(str);
    if (copy == null) {
        // Maybe we can return a better error by calling std.os.errno(), but for
        // now, return a generic error.
        return error.StrdupFailure;
    return copy;

And here’s a complete example of me calling the strdup wrapper function from Zig:

const std = @import("std");

const cString = @cImport({

const StrdupError = error{

fn strdup(str: [:0]const u8) ![*:0]u8 {
    const copy = cString.strdup(str);
    if (copy == null) {
        // Maybe we can return a better error by calling std.os.errno(), but for
        // now, return a generic error.
        return error.StrdupFailure;
    return copy;

pub fn main() !void {
    const s = "hi";
    std.debug.print("s    = [{s}] (type={}, size={d}, len={d})\n", .{ s, @TypeOf(s), @sizeOf(@TypeOf(s.*)), s.len });
    const sCopy = try strdup(s);
    defer std.c.free(sCopy);
    std.debug.print("sCopy= [{s}] (type={}, size={d}, len={d})\n", .{ sCopy, @TypeOf(sCopy), @sizeOf(@TypeOf(sCopy)), std.mem.len(sCopy) });

Here is the output:

$ zig run src/wrap-strdup.zig --library c
s    = [hi] (type=*const [2:0]u8, size=3, len=2)
sCopy= [hi] (type=[*:0]u8, size=8, len=2)

The output is pretty straightforward. s and sCopy are different variable types even though they contain the same data. That’s because sCopy represents memory that C allocated, whereas s represents memory that Zig allocated and manages.

Zig reports that sCopy’s size is 8 because that’s the size of a pointer on a 64-bit system. Zig can’t tell me the size of the memory buffer because C allocated it and can’t communicate buffer size information to Zig.

Improving the wrapper with Zig-managed buffers 🔗︎

I was able to call C’s strdup function from Zig, but my solution is a bit untidy. My Zig wrapper bleeds out its implementation details because it’s returning a slice of unknown length, and the caller has to free the buffer with std.c.free instead of using a Zig-native memory allocator.

What if I wanted to abstract away the C implementation details and make this look like a regular, native Zig function?

Here’s a revision of my strdup wrapper that allocates a Zig-native buffer and copies the resulting string into the new buffer:

fn strdup(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, str: [:0]const u8) ![:0]u8 {
    const cCopy: [*c]u8 = cString.strdup(str);
    if (cCopy == null) {
        // Maybe we can return a better error by calling std.os.errno(), but for
        // now, return a generic error.
        return error.StrdupFailure;
    defer std.c.free(cCopy);

    // Create a Zig slice of the C buffer that's length-aware.
    const zCopy: [:0]u8 = std.mem.span(cCopy);

    // Allocate a new null-terminated slice with a Zig-native memory allocator.
    const copy: [:0]u8 = try allocator.allocSentinel(u8, zCopy.len, 0);

    // Copy the contents of the C string from the C-managed memory into the Zig-
    // managed buffer.
    @memcpy(copy, zCopy);

    // Return the Zig-native slice to the caller.
    return copy;

There are a few changes between the original implementation and this revision.

First, this function takes a std.mem.Allocator, a Zig object that allocates memory. In Zig, you don’t just allocate memory whenever you feel like it by calling a global memory allocation function like you do in C. To avoid hidden memory allocations, functions accept a std.mem.Allocator type, which makes it obvious to callers that the function might allocate memory.

Next, instead of returning a C memory buffer and making it the caller’s responsibility to free in a non-standard way, the new strdup implementation returns a regular Zig slice. Callers to strdup are still responsible for freeing the slice, but they can do it the standard way with allocator.free.

The downside of this revision is that it’s slower than the previous version. I’m allocating and copying memory twice: once in C, and another time in Zig. If this were performance-critical code, perhaps I’d take the speedup by making the caller deal with the C array, but in general, I prefer to let Zig manage my memory.

Here’s a complete example with the new wrapper implementation:

const std = @import("std");

const cString = @cImport({

const StrdupError = error{

fn strdup(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, str: [:0]const u8) ![:0]u8 {
    const cCopy: [*c]u8 = cString.strdup(str);
    if (cCopy == null) {
        // Maybe we can return a better error by calling std.os.errno(), but for
        // now, return a generic error.
        return error.StrdupFailure;
    defer std.c.free(cCopy);
    const zCopy: [:0]u8 = std.mem.span(cCopy);
    const copy: [:0]u8 = try allocator.allocSentinel(u8, zCopy.len, 0);
    @memcpy(copy, zCopy);

    return copy;

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    const allocator = gpa.allocator();
    defer _ = gpa.deinit();

    const s = "hi";
    std.debug.print("s    = [{s}] (type={}, size={d}, len={d})\n", .{ s, @TypeOf(s), @sizeOf(@TypeOf(s.*)), s.len });
    const sCopy = try strdup(allocator, s);
    defer allocator.free(sCopy);
    std.debug.print("sCopy= [{s}] (type={}, size={d}, len={d})\n", .{ sCopy, @TypeOf(sCopy), @sizeOf(@TypeOf(sCopy)), sCopy.len });
$ zig run src/wrap-strdup2.zig --library c
s    = [hi] (type=*const [2:0]u8, size=3, len=2)
sCopy= [hi] (type=[:0]u8, size=16, len=2)

I can’t figure out why the size of sCopy is 16. The size remains the same regardless of how many characters I store in the slice, but it reduces to size=8 if I run the same code on my 32-bit ARM Raspberry Pi.

I know that s is an array whose size Zig knows at compile time, whereas sCopy is a slice whose size Zig doesn’t know until runtime. Still, Zig knows the length of the slice and should therefore know how many bytes it takes up, but I can’t figure out how to query that information.

Update: /u/paulstelian97 on reddit explains that slices are “fat pointers,” which contain a memory address and a length. Now I understand why it’s two times the size of a regular pointer, but I still don’t know how to ask Zig for the size of the slice in bytes.

Wrap up 🔗︎

Zig makes it easy to pass strings into C code and receive string outputs from C.

Zig’s type system is stronger than C, which allows developers to write Zig-native wrappers for C libraries, yielding more robust checks against memory corruption than is available in C.

Further reading 🔗︎

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