Former CFO at Boohoo Neil Catto Succeeds Current CFO of Revolution Beauty Elizab...

 6 months ago
source link: https://ceoworld.biz/2023/12/14/former-cfo-at-boohoo-neil-catto-succeeds-current-cfo-of-revolution-beauty-elizabeth-lake/
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Former CFO at Boohoo Neil Catto Succeeds Current CFO of Revolution Beauty Elizabeth Lake

Revolution Beauty, the UK makeup company, is responding to shareholder pressure by reorganizing its management team. CFO Elizabeth Lake will be stepping down by the end of this month in response to recent developments. The brand has announced that Neil Catto, previously CFO at Boohoo, will take over as Lake’s successor starting January 1, 2024.

Following discrepancies found in its 2022 accounts, Revolution Beauty faced scrutiny. Boohoo, having increased its stake in the company, pushed for changes within the board, which led to the resignation of the CEO and Chairman in July.

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