Ready Meals Market 2023 Present Scenario and Growth Prospects, Business Standard...

 8 months ago
source link: https://market.us/report/ready-meals-market/
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The Ready Meals Market is projected to experience steady growth over the coming years due to rising consumer demand for convenience food as well as urbanization and working population expansion. This market can be divided by type, end user and distribution channel with each segment having their own definition. By type alone it includes canned/preserved ready meals; chilled pizza; chilled ready meals; dried ready meals; frozen pizza and ready meals as well as prepared salads as categories within it.

The Global Ready Meals Market size is projected to reach USD 244.6 Billion by 2032 from USD 149.2 Billion in 2022, expanding at a compound annual growth rate of 5.20 % from 2023-2032.

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