What Your CEO and CFO Are Thinking — and Why It Matters

 8 months ago
source link: https://www.gartner.com/en/podcasts/thinkcast/what-your-ceo-and-cfo-are-thinking-and-why-it-matters
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Podcast: What Your CEO and CFO Are Thinking — and Why It Matters

October 03, 2023

Show Notes

Each year, Gartner surveys CEOs, CFOs and other members of the C-suite on their most pressing priorities. We ask, what is causing short-term reactivity? Where is there alignment or disagreement? What trends will drive business for the remainder of this decade?

In this episode, Marko Horvat, Vice President of Research in Gartner’s finance practice, discusses what matters most to CEOs today, how their priorities compare to those of the CFO, the greatest challenges in aligning priorities and what CFOs’ ultimate goals are.

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Read: What Matters to CEOs and CFOs Right Now

Learn More: What Makes a Great CFO?

Download Now: Benchmark Your Priorities Against 400 Other Executives

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