Paytm Reports Loan Disbursals of Rs 5,517 Crore and Rising GMV, Boosting Stock

 9 months ago
source link: https://nextbigwhat.com/paytm-reports-loan-disbursals-of-rs-5517-crore-and-rising-gmv-boosting-stock/
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Paytm Reports Loan Disbursals of Rs 5,517 Crore and Rising GMV, Boosting Stock

  • Paytm’s loan disbursals through the platform reached Rs 5,517 Cr ($667 million) in August.
  • Merchant payment volumes rose by 43% to reach Rs 3 lakh crore ($36.3 billion) for the first two months of Q3.
  • Stock rose by 1.02% following the update, with strong adoption of their subscription service model driving revenue.

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