49 top engineering manager interview questions (+ answers)

 9 months ago
source link: https://www.pluralsight.com/resources/blog/leadership/engineering-manager-interview-questions
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49 top engineering manager interview questions (+ answers)

It may seem obvious, but a manager is responsible for the performance of an entire team rather than a single individual. This question asks interviewees to consider the performance tracking software they use and explain the specific tactics they've used to improve performance, including but not limited to one-on-one meetings, team check-ins, postmortem meetings, team surveys, professional development seminars, and more. Responses to this question can focus on current and future adjustments. 

Successful managers understand that task prioritization is an increasingly important aspect of their role. From product development to post-project fixes, an ideal candidate can discuss their process for prioritizing tasks while meeting business goals and respecting project deadlines. 

When asking this question, consider providing the interviewee with three to five example tasks to prioritize. They should be able to ask follow-up questions and assign, move, or complete tasks in a prioritized manner.

Interviewers may ask candidates variations of the above questions or include additional core engineering manager interview questions, such as:

9. Have you worked with product managers?

10. How do you feel about managing remote teams or individuals?

11. How do you assess risk when initiating a new project?

12. Describe the size and structure of the teams you manage best.

13. How would you describe your management style?

14. Can you describe a situation where you delivered or received difficult feedback?

15. What kinds of projects did you work on in your last job?

16. Describe a time a project didn’t go as planned. What did you do?

System design is one of the most talked-about subjects in any engineering manager interview. Organizations that depend on systems and databases need to know that a potential candidate has the skills to produce, organize, and manage particular systems. 

Quality interviewees may describe past systems they’ve designed, specific courses or professional training programs they have completed, and successful outcomes displayed by systems created for other companies.

This question asks candidates to highlight their strongest soft skills, including communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Many stakeholders—including clients—may not have technical backgrounds, so technical managers need to be able to simplify difficult concepts.

Ideal answers will highlight potential communication plans, including but not limited to relational communication based on a stakeholder’s professional background or visual assets to simplify process communication.

It’s possible for the engineering manager and tech lead to be the same person, but many larger companies create separate positions for these jobs. In these cases, ideal candidates should understand that engineering managers are people-focused, while tech leads are technology-focused. Their response to this question may include examples of tech leads and engineering managers collaborating on projects, brainstorming design ideas, meeting with potential team members, resolving conflicts as a team, and more.

When hiring senior-level engineering managers, interviewers may ask more specific questions about a candidate’s experiences, including:

40. What is your experience with budget management?

41. How do you embrace and approach diversity on your teams?

42. What strategies do you use to streamline processes?

43. What design frameworks and methodologies are you comfortable working with?

44. What do you feel are important factors to consider when delegating tasks?

Candidates applying for a manager of managers position will most likely be responsible for the team’s recruitment and hiring practices. This question allows candidates to discuss potential referrals, industry connections, personal and professional networking, internal promotion and external hiring considerations, and other recruiting options. Interviewees may also discuss their preferred vetting practices, including phone interviews, culture surveys, and technical skills testing.

Before beginning the application process, you need to update your resume and cover letter. Depending on the position you're applying for, update your resume with your most recent position description and job achievements. Your resume should reflect your career goals and introduce your professional experience succinctly. 

When updating your resume, consider including engineering-specific hard and soft skills, including:

  • Problem-solving

  • Computer science, information technology, or programming

  • Pressure management

  • Teamwork and collaboration

  • Creativity

  • Structural analysis

If you’ve received additional education, training, or certifications in engineering-specific fields, make sure you clearly display it in both your resume and cover letter.

Come prepared to answer interview questions focused on your past experiences. Identify stories that demonstrate your industry expertise, management success, and even failures. Additionally, identify stories that reflect well on your leadership but also show your ability to evolve with your position.

Before entering an interview, attempt to format your stories so they are simple and easy to follow. Interview techniques like the STAR method can help interviewees organize the situation, task, action, and result to prepare for experience-specific questions.

Strong referrals can also help you display your professional abilities. Request referrals from individuals you have previously worked with, who experienced difficult situations with you, or who can describe their experiences as your employee. Make sure your referrals are true, and appropriately describe your strengths, weaknesses, and flexibility.

As industries evolve, managers should stay flexible and evolve, too. Consider investing in your engineering competencies and skills by:

  • Joining a professional society

  • Pursuing an industry-specific certification

  • Participating in professional development seminars and training

  • Hiring a professional coach

  • Enlisting in online or in-person courses

  • Strengthening soft skills like communication

While continued learning is the spice of life, it’s also one of the best ways to prepare for a new engineering role and additional responsibilities.

During the interview process, interviewees will want to discover whether or not the company, team, and culture are right for them before signing an employment contract. Remember to ask your interviewer technical- and culture-focused questions, like:

  • Can you describe your company culture?

  • Is the team or company currently facing any engineering challenges?

  • What is the most pertinent issue that needs to be addressed by this team?

  • What product metrics do you measure?

  • What new hire resources does your company provide for learning about products, services, and processes?

  • Are there specific qualities you look for when hiring for this position?

  • In this role, what does a typical day look like?

  • Who works most closely with the individual in this role?

  • What are the company’s remote and hybrid work policies?

  • What is the onboarding process like?

  • How is project prioritization managed?

  • What growth opportunities are available within the company?

You may know the interview questions and understand a company’s core values, but it’s also vital to be articulate and responsive during the interview. Listen to your interviewer’s stories, questions, and requests, and be prepared to ask follow-up questions or clarify ambiguous responses. 

Practice multiple times with different interview questions, and track where you struggle most to anticipate weak areas where you might need additional research and support.

Even with a list of engineering manager interview questions in your arsenal, you need to know your worth in order to effectively answer questions and promote yourself as an ideal candidate.

Pluralsight Flow is a software engineering analytics platform designed with you in mind. You can use this tool to track your performance, improve workflows, and advocate for your experience both inside an interview and on the other side. 

Flow can also help managers supervise new hires, adjust the onboarding process, encourage team collaboration, and improve individual check-ins. No matter where you stand in the employee lifecycle, it’s the perfect time to take a tour and prioritize your professional workflows.

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