Meta deletes 8,000 Facebook accounts linked to Chinese disinformation campaign

 10 months ago
source link: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2023/08/30/meta-deletes-8000-china-facebook-accounts-disinformation/
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Meta deletes 8,000 Facebook accounts linked to Chinese disinformation campaign

Covert network targeted more than 50 social media platforms and online forums

By Adam Mawardi

30 August 2023 • 12:04am

Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta has removed nearly 8,000 Facebook accounts linked to a Chinese disinformation campaign.

The social media giant deleted the fake accounts after uncovering the “largest known cross-platform covert influence operation in the world”, according to a report released on Tuesday.

Meta’s crackdown against the covert operation saw 7,704 accounts and 954 pages removed from Facebook, and 15 accounts deleted from Instagram for violating its policy on coordinated inauthentic behaviour.

According to Meta, the network has infiltrated more than 50 social media platforms and forums, including rival apps YouTube, Pinterest, Reddit and X, formerly known as Twitter.

The influence operation typically shared “positive commentary” about China and its Xinjiang region, where the government is allegedly committing genocide and crimes against Uyghur Muslims.

It also posted criticisms of the United States, Western foreign policies, and critics of the Chinese government including journalists and researchers.

The network also promoted false narratives, such as claims that Covid-19 originated from the United States.

The disinformation campaign achieved this mostly by sharing spam, links, memes and text posts. It spent at least $3,500 (£2,767) on Facebook ads.

The network originated from China and targeted many regions across the world, including the UK, Taiwan, the United States, Australia, and Japan.

Meta said: “Although the people behind this activity tried to conceal their identities and coordination, our investigation found links to individuals associated with Chinese law enforcement.”

The California-based tech group intercepted the network after reports that it had targeted a human-rights non-governmental organisation in late 2022.

Through its investigation, Meta discovered that the network had ties to a previous covert operation known as Spamouflage, which has been responsible for “many separate clusters of spammy activity” since August 2019.

The tech giant also identified “distinct similarities” between the Spamouflage’s tactics and those used by a pro-Russian disinformation campaign called Secondary Infektion.

Meta said: “While the reasons behind these parallels are unclear, it is possible that CIB [coordinated inauthentic behaviour] operators learn from one another, including as a result of public reporting about covert influence operations by our industry and security researchers.”

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