Ben Armstrong's Controversial Departure from BitBoy Crypto: What We Know – Crypt...

 10 months ago
source link: https://cryptomode.com/ben-armstrongs-controversial-departure-from-bitboy-crypto-what-we-know/
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CryptoMode Ben Armstrong BitBoy Crypto

Prominent figures in the crypto realm have recently highlighted the potential departure of Ben Armstrong from the renowned BitBoy Crypto brand.

A Decision Made After Deliberation

The renowned crypto platform, Around The Blockchain, released a statement underscoring their difficult decision. They mentioned, “After thorough contemplation, this challenging decision emerged as the sole way forward.

August 28 saw leading crypto influencers like Jason A. Williams and Ran Neuner echoing sentiments from a statement on X. This message distinctly clarified Ben Armstrong’s cessation from his role at BitBoy Crypto. The announcement read, “Ben Armstrong is no longer aligned with Hit Network/BJ Holdings and its associated brands, including BitBoy Crypto and Around The Blockchain.

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Wendy O, a recognized crypto enthusiast with a vast audience, addressed the circulating buzz during her livestream. Validating the news for her 194,000 followers, she affirmed, “It’s not baseless chatter. The news is genuine and verified.

Furthermore, Wendy O referred to a tweet from an account supposedly connected to Armstrong, expressing, “This is Ben. A supposed internal power struggle at my firm has transpired, and the reports are true. However, the move is futile as they possess no advantage.

Awaiting an Official Statement from BitBoy Crypto and Armstrong

While the crypto community is rife with speculations, Wendy O emphasized patience, hinting at an imminent official statement. She shared, “More insights will unfold tomorrow. We anticipate an official communication from Hit Network to shed light on the situation.

Ben Armstrong has been very familiar with contentious episodes lately.

In early June, he publicly declared his disassociation from the controversial meme coin architect, ben.eth, after their collaborative meme coin venture, BEN. Amid claims of deceitful tactics, he proclaimed, “I am disengaging from @eth_ben. Our collaborative efforts cease here. Any future endeavors related to $BEN won’t involve him.

Preceding this event whispers about Armstrong’s possible legal confrontation were rife. Reports from April 20 suggest he missed a court appearance, leading to speculations about an arrest warrant.

These court proceedings revolved around allegations that Armstrong supposedly harassed attorney Adam Moskowitz. Representing a consortium of investors, Moskowitz was battling against high-profile endorsers of the defunct crypto exchange FTX. This group, which included Armstrong, was under fire for allegedly endorsing FTX without transparent compensation disclosure.

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