Accessibility in web design & the responsibility of developers

 10 months ago
source link: https://blog.prototypr.io/accessibility-in-web-design-the-responsibility-of-developers-c82ecdd9ebf2
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Accessibility in web design & the responsibility of developers

Published in
4 min readAug 16
web accessibility logo, the silhouette of a person inside a circle ring with a blast of thing rings eminating from the center

Icon provided by Anuri via Noun Project

All across the internet, you can find a myriad of articles on web accessibility, diving into the importance of creating inclusive and user-friendly websites. Many emphasize the role of designers in crafting visually accessible interfaces, but fewer shine a spotlight on the critical implementers of the accessibility equation: developers. I discovered this as I transitioned from designer to developer myself.

Website accessibility is more than just a buzzword; it’s a fundamental requirement for creating inclusive and equitable digital experiences. At its core, accessibility ensures that all users, regardless of their physical, cognitive, or sensory abilities, can effectively interact with and understand online content.

Often, when we think about website accessibility, we envision the visible aspects: font sizes, color contrasts, and user-friendly layouts. However, while these elements are crucial, it’s a myth that designers bear the brunt of the responsibility. Instead, developers play an equally, if not more, essential role in building truly accessible websites.

Beyond the Aesthetics

Designers indeed make visual choices that impact accessibility. They determine color contrasts, layout formats, and font legibility. Yet, many of the most critical accessibility requirements are woven into the very fabric of a site’s code and functionality — areas that fall squarely on a developer’s shoulders. The list of measures a developer should take is far more comprehensive than what’s listed, but to name just a few:

  • Semantic HTML: Using correct and semantic HTML tags ensures that assistive technologies, like screen readers, can interpret and narrate content properly. A designer might suggest where a heading or a button should go, but it’s up to developers to implement them correctly.
  • Keyboard Navigation: All functionality on a website should be accessible using only a keyboard. This means ensuring that all interactive elements like forms, modals, and drop-down menus can be reached and manipulated without a mouse.
  • ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) Roles: These are tools in the developer’s arsenal to enhance the accessibility of web pages, especially those…


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