Effective Enums in Kotlin with reverse lookup?

 10 months ago
source link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37794850/effective-enums-in-kotlin-with-reverse-lookup/62758659#62758659
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Effective Enums in Kotlin with reverse lookup?

Asked 7 years, 2 months ago
Modified 11 months ago
Viewed 72k times

I'm trying to find the best way to do a 'reverse lookup' on an enum in Kotlin. One of my takeaways from Effective Java was that you introduce a static map inside the enum to handle the reverse lookup. Porting this over to Kotlin with a simple enum leads me to code that looks like this:

enum class Type(val value: Int) {

    companion object {
        val map: MutableMap<Int, Type> = HashMap()

        init {
            for (i in Type.values()) {
                map[i.value] = i

        fun fromInt(type: Int?): Type? {
            return map[type]

My question is, is this the best way to do this, or is there a better way? What if I have several enums that follow a similar pattern? Is there a way in Kotlin to make this code more re-usable across enums?

asked Jun 13, 2016 at 16:30

15 Answers

First of all, the argument of fromInt() should be an Int, not an Int?. Trying to get a Type using null will obviously lead to null, and a caller shouldn't even try doing that. The Map has also no reason to be mutable. The code can be reduced to:

companion object {
    private val map = Type.values().associateBy(Type::value)
    fun fromInt(type: Int) = map[type]

That code is so short that, frankly, I'm not sure it's worth trying to find a reusable solution.

answered Jun 13, 2016 at 17:29

we can use find which Returns the first element matching the given predicate, or null if no such element was found.

companion object {
   fun find(value: Int): Type? = Type.values().find { it.value == value }
answered Nov 5, 2017 at 20:14

Another option, that could be considered more "idiomatic", would be the following:

companion object {
    private val map = Type.values().associateBy(Type::value)
    operator fun get(value: Int) = map[value]

Which can then be used like Type[type].

answered Aug 20, 2019 at 11:24

It makes not much sense in this case, but here is a "logic extraction" for @JBNized's solution:

open class EnumCompanion<T, V>(private val valueMap: Map<T, V>) {
    fun fromInt(type: T) = valueMap[type]

enum class TT(val x: Int) {

    companion object : EnumCompanion<Int, TT>(TT.values().associateBy(TT::x))

//sorry I had to rename things for sanity

In general that's the thing about companion objects that they can be reused (unlike static members in a Java class)

answered Jun 14, 2016 at 3:00

If you have a lot of enums, this might save a few keystrokes:

inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>, V> ((T) -> V).find(value: V): T? {
    return enumValues<T>().firstOrNull { this(it) == value }

Use it like this:

enum class Algorithms(val string: String) {

fun main() = println(
            ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Bad algorithm string: SHA-256")

This will print Sha256

answered Feb 5, 2021 at 21:46

I found myself doing the reverse lookup by custom, hand coded, value couple of times and came of up with following approach.

Make enums implement a shared interface:

interface Codified<out T : Serializable> {
    val code: T

enum class Alphabet(val value: Int) : Codified<Int> {

    override val code = value

This interface (however strange the name is :)) marks a certain value as the explicit code. The goal is to be able to write:

val a = Alphabet::class.decode(1) //Alphabet.A
val d = Alphabet::class.tryDecode(4) //null

Which can easily be achieved with the following code:

interface Codified<out T : Serializable> {
    val code: T

    object Enums {
        private val enumCodesByClass = ConcurrentHashMap<Class<*>, Map<Serializable, Enum<*>>>()

        inline fun <reified T, TCode : Serializable> decode(code: TCode): T where T : Codified<TCode>, T : Enum<*> {
            return decode(T::class.java, code)

        fun <T, TCode : Serializable> decode(enumClass: Class<T>, code: TCode): T where T : Codified<TCode> {
            return tryDecode(enumClass, code) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("No $enumClass value with code == $code")

        inline fun <reified T, TCode : Serializable> tryDecode(code: TCode): T? where T : Codified<TCode> {
            return tryDecode(T::class.java, code)

        fun <T, TCode : Serializable> tryDecode(enumClass: Class<T>, code: TCode): T? where T : Codified<TCode> {
            val valuesForEnumClass = enumCodesByClass.getOrPut(enumClass as Class<Enum<*>>, {
                enumClass.enumConstants.associateBy { (it as T).code }

            return valuesForEnumClass[code] as T?

fun <T, TCode> KClass<T>.decode(code: TCode): T
        where T : Codified<TCode>, T : Enum<T>, TCode : Serializable 
        = Codified.Enums.decode(java, code)

fun <T, TCode> KClass<T>.tryDecode(code: TCode): T?
        where T : Codified<TCode>, T : Enum<T>, TCode : Serializable
        = Codified.Enums.tryDecode(java, code)
answered Jun 13, 2016 at 18:02

Another example implementation. This also sets the default value (here to OPEN) if no the input matches no enum option:

enum class Status(val status: Int) {

companion object {
    fun fromInt(status: Int): Status =
        values().find { value -> value.status == status } ?: OPEN
answered May 3, 2019 at 13:46

True Idiomatic Kotlin Way. Without bloated reflection code:

interface Identifiable<T : Number> {

    val id: T

abstract class GettableById<T, R>(values: Array<R>) where T : Number, R : Enum<R>, R : Identifiable<T> {

    private val idToValue: Map<T, R> = values.associateBy { it.id }

    operator fun get(id: T): R = getById(id)

    fun getById(id: T): R = idToValue.getValue(id)

enum class DataType(override val id: Short): Identifiable<Short> {

    INT(1), FLOAT(2), STRING(3);

    companion object: GettableById<Short, DataType>(values())

fun main() {
    // or
answered Jul 6, 2020 at 14:51

A variant of some previous proposals might be the following, using ordinal field and getValue :

enum class Type {
A, B, C;

companion object {
    private val map = values().associateBy(Type::ordinal)

    fun fromInt(number: Int): Type {
        require(number in 0 until map.size) { "number out of bounds (must be positive or zero & inferior to map.size)." }
        return map.getValue(number)
answered Apr 19, 2019 at 19:34

A slightly extended approach of the accepted solution with null check and invoke function

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val a = Type.A // find by name
    val anotherA = Type.valueOf("A") // find by name with Enums default valueOf
    val aLikeAClass = Type(3) // find by value using invoke - looks like object creation

    val againA = Type.of(3) // find by value
    val notPossible = Type.of(6) // can result in null
    val notPossibleButThrowsError = Type.ofNullSave(6) // can result in IllegalArgumentException

    // prints: A, A, 0, 3
    println("$a, ${a.name}, ${a.ordinal}, ${a.value}")
    // prints: A, A, A null, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant Type with value 6
    println("$anotherA, $againA, $aLikeAClass $notPossible, $notPossibleButThrowsError")

enum class Type(val value: Int) {

    companion object {
        private val map = values().associateBy(Type::value)
        operator fun invoke(type: Int) = ofNullSave(type)
        fun of(type: Int) = map[type]
        fun ofNullSave(type: Int) = map[type] ?: IllegalArgumentException("No enum constant Type with value $type")
answered Aug 25, 2020 at 18:56

Based on your example, i might suggest removing the associated value and just use the ordinal which is similar to an index.

ordinal - Returns the ordinal of this enumeration constant (its position in its enum declaration, where the initial constant is assigned an ordinal of zero).

enum class NavInfoType {

    companion object {
        private val map = values().associateBy(NavInfoType::ordinal)
        operator fun get(value: Int) = map[value] ?: Unknown

In my case i wanted to return Unknown if the map returned null. You could also throw an illegal argument exception by replacing the get with the following:

operator fun get(value: Int) = map[value] ?: throw IllegalArgumentException()
answered Nov 21, 2020 at 18:17

An approach that reuses code:

interface IndexedEnum {
    val value: Int

    companion object {
        inline fun <reified T : IndexedEnum> valueOf(value: Int) =
            T::class.java.takeIf { it.isEnum }?.enumConstants?.find { it.value == value }

Then the enums can be made indexable:

enum class Type(override val value: Int): IndexedEnum {

and reverse searched like so:

answered Dec 30, 2020 at 1:20

There is a completely generic solution that

  • Does not use reflection, Java or Kotlin
  • Is cross-platform, does not need any java
  • Has minimum hassle

First, let's define our interfaces as value field is not inherent to all enums:

interface WithValue {
    val value: Int

interface EnumCompanion<E> where E: Enum<E> {
    val map: Map<Int, E>
    fun fromInt(type: Int): E = map[type] ?: throw IllegalArgumentException()

Then, you can do the following trick

inline fun <reified E> EnumCompanion() : EnumCompanion<E>
where E : Enum<E>, E: WithValue = object : EnumCompanion<E> {
    override val map: Map<Int, E> = enumValues<E>().associateBy { it.value }

Then, for every enum you have the following just works

enum class RGB(override val value: Int): WithValue {
    RED(1), GREEN(2), BLUE(3);
    companion object: EnumCompanion<RGB> by EnumCompanion()

val ccc = RGB.fromInt(1)

enum class Shapes(override val value: Int): WithValue {
    SQUARE(22), CIRCLE(33), RECTANGLE(300);
    companion object: EnumCompanion<Shapes> by EnumCompanion()

val zzz = Shapes.fromInt(33)

As already mentioned, this is not worth it unless you have a lot of enums and you really need to get this generic.

answered Mar 1, 2022 at 11:46

Came up with a more generic solution

inline fun <reified T : Enum<*>> findEnumConstantFromProperty(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? =

Example usage:

findEnumConstantFromProperty<Type> { it.value == 1 } // Equals Type.A
answered Jun 3, 2020 at 16:51

val t = Type.values()[ordinal]

answered Nov 4, 2017 at 17:12

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