Synchronous Service call in SAP CAPM : HTTP 500 Internal Server Error

 10 months ago
source link: https://answers.sap.com/questions/13951467/synchronous-service-call-in-sap-capm-http-500-inte.html
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Synchronous Service call in SAP CAPM : HTTP 500 Internal Server Error


I am trying to make synchronous service call from a SAP CAPM service via a Destination. I am using srv.send method to make synchronous service calls. The request gets executed fine when a single request is processed but when i try to call the same in a Loop inside a Promise the request fails with HTTP 500 Error.


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2 Answers
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Ivan Mirisola Thanks for your Inputs. Will check out the above options.

Currently the service works fine when I am triggering individual updates. I have exposed a standard BAPI as a custom webservice and consuming the same via the Destination. Please find below response from the SOAP service after successful update.


The Issue occurs when i trigger the same update in a Loop for multiple users. The same update works fine in a loop when i trigger via a AJAX call in SAPUI5 application with async mode false. But with srv.send method in CAP it fails with error mentioned in the issue description.

I have used await operator for the promise and it is working fine now.


capm3.png (80.8 kB)
1 comment
27 minutes ago

Hi Athul Ramakrishnan,

As mentioned before, SOAP isn't supported by CDS by default. It might work with some use-cases as you have found out. But SOAP isn't standardized in terms of consumption. Hence you would be better supported by using it with Cloud SDK and SOAP specific libraries likes the ones mentioned on the blog.

Best regards,

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