Ethical growth, AI authors, the mind of a type designer, UX research emails

 10 months ago
source link: https://uxdesign.cc/ethical-growth-ai-authors-the-mind-of-a-type-designer-ux-research-emails-3b69533a50a0
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Ethical growth, AI authors, the mind of a type designer, UX research emails

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“Growth hacks or so-called psychology tricks have a negative reputation. and it’s not a surprise. Think about the last time you stumbled upon such a “smart” hack — maybe when you were trying to unsubscribe from newsletters you didn’t mean to sign up for, or when booking a low-cost flight became complicated due to numerous upsells.

In the ideal world, growth designers create user experiences that drive business growth while following ethical principles. But the more marketers and people responsible for company growth learn about growth hacks, the more unpleasant some user journeys seem to become.”

Can growth design be truly ethical?

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