China's Pursuit of Digital ID in the Metaverse: Implications and Insights – Cryp...

 10 months ago
source link: https://cryptomode.com/chinas-pursuit-of-digital-id-in-the-metaverse-implications-and-insights/
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The metaverse, the next frontier of digital interaction, could soon witness an unprecedented integration of real-world identity verification if China has its way.

Digital ID Proposals for The Metaverse

Recent revelations indicate China’s aspiration to introduce a digital ID mechanism akin to their social credit system within the metaverse and online virtual domains. On Aug. 20, POLITICO highlighted China Mobile’s, a state-backed telecommunications giant, proposal. The proposed ID would encompass both “natural” and “social characteristics” to ensure the “order and safety” of these online spaces.

The depth of this digital ID is profound. Not only would it capture generic data, but it would also entail intimate details such as an individual’s profession. This extensive data would be indelibly stored and made available to the authorities. One notable advantage was the efficiency in identifying and penalizing disruptive users. For instance, those propagating misinformation or causing unrest in the virtual realms could swiftly face repercussions.

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The essence of this proposal resonates strongly with China’s ongoing social credit system. Still under construction, this system evaluates citizens on diverse metrics to refine societal behavior. Moreover, it serves as a regulatory instrument. To illustrate its magnitude, in 2018, those with compromised social scores were denied purchasing plane tickets an astounding 17.5 million times, while another 5.5 million instances saw individuals restricted from acquiring train tickets.

Global Ramifications and Stakeholder Involvement

China Mobile didn’t put forth this groundbreaking proposal in isolation. Instead, it was introduced during a discourse with a metaverse-centric focus group orchestrated by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) – an agency under the United Nations. This committee is reconvening in October, potentially deliberating on China’s propositions.

Should these recommendations be endorsed, the ripple effects could be colossal. They will shape how telecom and tech giants approach metaverse standards. Interestingly, Chinese entities dominate this metaverse consortium, outpacing their American and European counterparts in tabling proposals.

An insider relayed to POLITICO that China’s strategy seems to be a “long game”, positioning its frameworks as the metaverse blueprint if it garners global ubiquity. One poignant observation made was the dystopian image of a metaverse governed by China’s stringent identity protocols. That raises a pivotal question for nations worldwide: “Is this the immersive reality we envision for our citizens?”

As the lines between our physical and digital personas blur, the measures ensuring harmony and order in these realms become imperative. However, the extent of surveillance and the implications of such a tightly knit digital ID system in the metaverse require profound deliberation on privacy, freedom, and individual rights in the digital age.

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