Before Delivery-Service Shutdown, Netflix Offers Remaining Customers Up to 10 Fr...

 10 months ago
source link: https://entertainment.slashdot.org/story/23/08/20/0128256/before-delivery-service-shutdown-netflix-offers-remaining-customers-up-to-10-free-mystery-dvd-rentals
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Before Delivery-Service Shutdown, Netflix Offers Remaining Customers Up to 10 Free 'Mystery' DVD Rentals

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Netflix's 25-year-old delivery service for DVDs (in red envelopes) will go dark on September 29th. But that delivery service's final remaining customers can opt-in "to potentially receive up to 10 extra discs," reports NPR. "Let's have some fun for our finale!" says an email from the company. (Though Business Insider points out that "Customers won't know what movies they'll get; the films will be chosen from what's in their queue.")

NPR notes there's an even bigger mystery:

Netflix's promotional email doesn't explicitly tell customers what to do with those discs. This is causing confusion among customers, and debate among the members of online communities like Reddit... A Netflix spokesperson told NPR the company is indeed expecting to get those discs back, and plans to release more specifics about winding down its DVD business in a month or so.

Attorney Lindsay Spiller of the San Francisco entertainment and business law firm Spiller Law said Netflix couldn't give the DVDs away even if it wanted to. "The filmmakers and property rights owners give Netflix a license, and then they can sub-license it to their subscribers," Spiller said. "But they can't give anybody ownership. They don't have it themselves."

At its peak, the service had 40 million subscribers, reports Today. (They add that the first DVD Netflix ever shipped was Beetlejuice — and the most-shipped DVD ever was The Blind Side.)

A quarter of a century later, Netflix "has sent out more than 5 billion DVDs to customers since launching in 1998," NPR notes. "The discs are not easily recyclable. Most of them end up in landfill."

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