Merkle trees and build systems

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Merkle trees and build systems

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In traditional build tools like Make, targets and dependencies are always files. Imagine if you could specify an entire tree (directory) as a dependency: You could exhaustively specify a "build root" filesystem containing the toolchain used for building some target as a dependency of that target. Similarly, a rule that creates that build root would have the tree as its target. Using Merkle trees as first-class citizens in a build system gives great flexibility and many optimization opportunities. In this article I'll explore this idea using OSTree, Ninja, and Python.


OSTree is like Git, but for storing entire filesystem images such as a complete Linux system. OSTree stores more metadata about its files than Git does: ownership, complete permissions (Git only remembers whether or not a file is executable), and extended attributes ("xattrs"). Like Git, it doesn't store timestamps. OSTree is used by Flatpak, rpm-ostree from Project Atomic/CoreOS, and GNOME Continuous, which is where OSTree was born.

My company has been using OSTree to build and roll-out software updates to Linux-based devices for the last four years. OSTree provides deployment tools for distributing images to different machines, deploying or rolling back an image atomically, managing changes to /etc, and so on, but in this article I'll focus on using OSTree for its data model.

Like Git, OSTree stores files in a "Content Addressable Store", which means that you can retrieve the contents of a file if you know the checksum of those contents. OSTree uses SHA-256, but I will use "SHA" and "checksum" interchangeably. This store or "repository" is a directory in the filesystem (for example "ostree/") where each file tracked by OSTree (a "blob" in Git terminology) is stored under ostree/objects/ as a file whose filename is the SHA of its contents. This is something of a simplification because file ownership, permissions, and xattrs are also reflected in the checksum.

A "tree" (directory) is stored as a file that contains a list of files and sub-trees, and their SHAs. The filename of this file, just like for blobs, is the SHA of its contents. This way the entire tree, including its sub-trees and their sub-trees, and the contents of each of the files within, can be uniquely identified by a single SHA. This data structure is called a Merkle tree.

[Merkle tree for OSTree]

You can have different versions of a tree, like Git commits or Git branches, or completely separate trees, but any common files are stored only once in the OSTree repository (in the figure above, file2.txt and d/file3.txt are identical so they are stored only once in ostree/objects/). Like Git, OSTree has "commit" and "checkout" operations.

OSTree "refs" (short for "references"), similar to Git refs, are how OSTree implements branches and tags. A ref is a metadata file in the OSTree repository: Its filename is whatever you want it to be, such as the branch or tag name, and its content is a single SHA pointing at a tree. The connection to the tree is indirect as it is really the SHA of a "commit" which in turn points at a tree, but in this article I'll ignore commits as they aren't directly relevant.

OSTree + Ninja

Ninja is a build system similar to Make. I covered Ninja for LWN three years ago. Unlike Make, Ninja doesn't support wildcards or loops, so you're supposed to write a "configure" script to generate a Ninja file that specifies each build target explicitly. At my company, the internal build system is a 3,000-line Python file, plus several dozen YAML files with packaging instructions for various components; when run, this Python script generates a 90,000-line Ninja file.

In Ninja (like Make) build targets and inputs are files. OSTree refs are also files. The build system, then, creates a different ref for each build step, and the ref itself is the target (output) of that build rule. For example, the target of a generated Ninja rule might be the file "build/ostree/refs/heads/xyz", where "build/ostree" is the OSTree repository in the "build" output directory, and "xyz" is the ref name.

Here's a concrete example from the build system, where it builds a rootfs for the Linux devices:

    rootfs = ostree_combine([
    phony("rootfs", rootfs)
    default(rootfs, ...)

Each of l4t_kernel(), bionic_userspace(), package(), and container() is a Python function that creates an OSTree tree (perhaps by downloading and unpacking a tarball, or by running an upstream makefile, the details don't matter right now), then creates an OSTree ref pointing at this tree, and returns the ref (which is a Python string generated internally, perhaps "build/ostree/refs/heads/package/a").

ostree_combine() is a Python function that takes any number of OSTree refs, each of which points at a tree; it combines them together into a single tree, creates another ref pointing at this tree, and returns the ref (this time it might be called "build/ostree/refs/heads/ostree_combine/c85e333f577b").

But I lie — these functions don't do any of this at all. What they do do, is write a Ninja rule, that when invoked via ninja, will carry out those steps.

When you run ninja in an incremental build, if any of the input refs changes — remember, a ref contains a SHA pointing at a tree, so if any file in the tree changes then the ref's content will change — then Ninja will know that the rootfs target is out of date and the ostree_combine rule needs to be re-run.

Crucially, you never need to write out any of these ref filenames explicitly in the build script; you pass them around like any normal Python variable, and other functions can take them and record them as dependencies in their own Ninja rules.

In the example above we also create a Ninja phony rule to create a top-level target name that is convenient to type at the ninja command line, and we add it to Ninja's list of default targets.


The ability to specify entire trees as build dependencies or targets means that the same mechanism can be used for specifying coarse-grained dependencies (such as third-party packages that are being integrated into the rootfs) as for fine-grained dependencies (individual files). One obvious benefit is that toolchains and build environments can be managed explicitly: The rule to compile something can take a "build root" rootfs as one of its dependencies, and chroot into it to run the compilation command (some literature calls this "hermetic builds"). This build rootfs can itself be created by other rules.

Less obvious, but possibly the best thing about this approach, is the ability to pass intermediate build outputs around as variables. We saw an example in the Python snippet earlier, where package("a") returns a target name that we passed into another rule, ostree_combine(). This means you don't have to come up with a name for every single intermediate artifact; you can generate them automatically. The composability leads to concise and readable build scripts: the example above is not at all contrived, it is very similar to the production build script. By making this easy to express, it is easier to exploit opportunities to cache or parallelize steps in the build.

To provide a (somewhat contrived) example: Generating the ldconfig cache only depends on the contents of a few directories like /lib and /usr/lib; similarly, the mandb cache only depends on the contents of /usr/share/man.

[Serial vs. parallel builds]

Traditionally, these operations are run in series. But a build system that can define a dependency that is a subtree of a previous target, could specify separate rules for these operations, run them in parallel, and then merge the results back into a final rootfs tree. In this example, even if the rootfs SHA changes, it's possible that the /usr/share/man subtree hasn't changed, so there's no need to re-run mandb. In the diagram above, red arrows operate on data (file contents); green arrows operate on OSTree metadata.

[Update (added paragraph)] You can imagine there are applications of this to "cloud" build systems that farm out the execution of individual build steps to remote build servers: To run this mandb rule, a remote server doesn't need to download the entire rootfs, only /usr/share/man. Merging the output from this build step back into the rootfs can be done by operating solely on Merkle tree metadata.

OSTree's tooling also gives a few compelling benefits that really need to be pointed out, but you can get them by exporting (committing) the final build artifacts to an OSTree repository (you don't need the close OSTree integration, throughout the intermediate build steps, that I have been describing):

  • Visibility of changes: My company's continuous integration (CI) system runs ostree diff on each pull request, so that the developers can see exactly which files changed in the output rootfs. This is a wonderful tool for gaining confidence in the correctness of the incremental builds.

  • Fast incremental deployment: OSTree provides tools for deploying a tree to a remote device. This is used to deploy changes to devices in the field ("over the air" software updates) but this same, production software update process is fast enough for interactive development (an incremental build + deploy + reboot in under a minute).

Implementation details

Our Python script has various functions for getting files, tarballs, Git snapshots, and apt packages into OSTree. A tree can consist of as little as a single file, and refs are cheap.

There are also various functions to manipulate trees, such as ostree_combine() in the example above, but also ostree_ln(), ostree_mkdir(), and ostree_mv(). These are fast because they operate directly on OSTree metadata; they don't need to do ostree checkout to manipulate the trees. Note that a ref can point to any tree, it doesn't have to be rooted at the "/" of your final image.

To run a command, such as a compilation, there is ostree_mod(), which modifies a tree by running a given command. It will check out the specified tree, optionally chroot into it, run the specified command, and create a new tree from the output. For example:

        input_tree=ostree_combine([build_root, src]),
        command="make -C /src install DESTDIR=/dest",

This uses fakeroot and bubblewrap to sandbox the command so that it can't access anything outside of the input tree. Bubblewrap is a tool born from Red Hat's Project Atomic, and used by Flatpak among others, that allows unprivileged users to create secure sandboxes. Here bubblewrap is not used for security, but as a convenient way of ensuring correct, "hermetic" builds. Our version of fakeroot is heavily patched so that the build command sees the file permissions that are stored by OSTree; this allows us to run the build as an unprivileged user but still modify root-owned files.

OSTree's "bare" repository format is used, which means that the checkout operation only needs to create hard-links to the relevant files inside the repository; this needs to be fast because every build rule that calls ostree_mod() involves an ostree checkout and an ostree commit. OverlayFS is used to ensure that the OSTree repository is not modified by accident via those hard-links. This patch for bubblewrap is needed to support OverlayFS; the patch probably isn't upstreamable because it requires additional capabilities, which is at odds with the bubblewrap project's security goals. There are also several OSTree patches, some of which are merged and some not (yet).


apt2ostree is a tool that has been extracted from our build system. It builds a Debian/Ubuntu rootfs from a list of .deb packages — much like debootstrap or multistrap. Unlike those tools, the output is an OSTree tree rather than a normal directory. It is faster, parallelized, and incremental. It also records package versions in a "lockfile" for reproducible builds.

From a list of .deb package names, apt2ostree downloads and unpacks each package into its own OSTree tree, then it combines these into a single tree (so far this is equivalent to debootstrap's "stage 1"). It then checks out the tree, runs dpkg --configure -a within a chroot ("stage 2"), and commits the result to OSTree.

[apt2ostree stages]

From a list of packages, apt2ostree performs dependency resolution (via aptly) and generates a "lockfile" that contains the complete list of all packages, their versions, and their SHAs. This lockfile can be committed to Git. Builds from the lockfile are functionally reproducible.

"Stage 1" of apt2ostree is fast for several reasons. It only downloads and extracts any given package once; if it is used in multiple images it doesn't need to be extracted again. This saves disk space too, because the contents of the packages are committed to OSTree so they will share disk space with the built images. Downloading and extracting is done in a separate Ninja rule per package; this allows parallelism (it can be downloading one package at the same time as compiling a second image, or performing other build tasks within the larger build system, all thanks to Ninja) and incremental builds (there is no need to repeat work if the package version hasn't changed). Combining the contents of the packages is fast because it only touches OSTree metadata.

apt2ostree only has a single user as far as I know (my company's build system). See the README file in the apt2ostree repository on GitHub for more information. I don't necessarily expect anyone to use it, but it serves as a good self-contained example of the techniques described in this article.

Conclusions and acknowledgments

We have found that OSTree and Ninja work very well together, thanks to a neat hack: Using a "ref" (a file in the OSTree metadata directory) as the target or dependency of a Ninja rule, to track changes to an entire tree. But most important, I think, is the idea of trees as first-class citizens in a build system. For researchers, OSTree and Ninja provide an easy way to explore these ideas. For production, we have also found OSTree and Ninja to work fantastically well for our use case: system integrators building container images and rootfs images for embedded Linux devices.

Most of these ideas (the good ones, at least) are from my colleague William Manley, who also did most of the implementation of the build system. I merely wrote it up.

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