LSE: MBA Essentials

 10 months ago
source link: https://www.edx.org/course/lse-mba-essentials-online-certificate-course?webview=false&campaign=MBA+Essentials&source=2u&product_category=executive-education&placement_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.edx.org%2F
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About this Course

While an MBA trains you to see the business world differently, financial expertise and business acumen, although vital, are not enough to influence your organisation’s leadership. These core skills must be paired with strong leadership techniques and an understanding of your strategic environment to be truly effective. The MBA Essentials online certificate course from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is designed to help you understand your strategic environment, master financial details, and drive business success by influencing colleagues and consumers. You’ll be equipped with an essential MBA toolkit as you navigate the contemporary business environment, guided by esteemed LSE faculty. This online MBA-based certificate course from LSE arms you with hard and soft business skills to maximise your competitive advantage and lead with influence.This online certificate course is ideal for any professional interested in improving their hard and soft skills in order to be successful in business. Managers, entrepreneurs, and specialists, including consultants and analysts, will benefit from the interactive, guided approach to learning and the opportunity to grow their global network online. The focus on the mechanics of leadership, influence, and strategy, combined with technical business and finance skills, provides a comprehensive learning experience for professionals in a range of roles and industries. The ability to apply MBA-derived skills to current and future roles will benefit those pursuing career growth, as well as those interested in undertaking a full MBA in the future.

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