Fasil - Your device information in a few clicks | Product Hunt

 10 months ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/fasil
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Your device information in a few clicks

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Hey Product Hunters,

I am overly excited to share Fasil with everyone. The application was developed while supporting family members/friends/users from various locations. Overtime, a solution was needed to allow people to get their computer’s information with just one click, as well as improve remote support.

Whether you are an individual, a technician managing multiple client’s computers or a business owning multiple computers under one network, Fasil was designed with ease of use in mind, the application allows you to get relevant information about a system using the computer name or IP address.

This beta release supports only the Windows operating system, and it comes with a mobile (companion) application allowing you to continue working on your mobile device while connecting with to your Desktop application.

Information Display - Operating System - BIOS - CPU - System Information - Printers and attached devices - Newtork Drives - Program’s List - Network Adapters - Latest Patches

Minimum Requirements - Windows 10 - PowerShell 5.0 - 2GB RAM

Features - Device Management - Search History - Mobile Device Approval - Mobile Device Activity Log

Future state releases This is only the beginning! Future releases will include support for MacOS and Linux operating systems, as well as other useful functionalities.

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