Notion Essentials Badge Flashcards

 10 months ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/notion-essentials-badge-flashcards
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"Thanks for checking out our launch! 🚀

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The makers of Notion Essentials Badge Flashcards
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Thank you so much for checking out the Notion Essentials Badge Flashcards, designed to help you study and pass the Notion Essentials Badge Certification! 🏅

I'm here to answer any questions you have and would love to get to know you more.

Tell me, have you taken the Notion Essentials Badge Exam yet?

If so, what did you think of it?

If not, then I hope these flashcards help you on your way to becoming Notion Certified! 💪

Jeremy from The Productivity Co.

I was one of Jeremy's beta testers for this product, and as someone who is Notion Certified, I can vouch for the fact that these flashcards will save anyone giving the Essentials exam hours of time scrolling through documentation!
Jeremy built something I wish existed when I was preparing for the Notion certification exam. Thank you for making this and congrats for the launch!

Being Jeremy's beta testers for this product, I must say this template is a game-changer for anyone planning to take the Notion Essential Badge Certification Exam.

This template includes all the essential resources to prepare for the exam along with the ability to transform it as per your need. The meticulous effort put into crafting each question and its corresponding answer, seamlessly linked to the Notion Academy page, makes it super easy to navigate. What sets these flashcards apart is their brilliant categorization of questions into easy, medium, and hard levels, allowing you to keep a check of your progress and level of practice.

Absolutely Recommended!!!

Good Job, Jeremy :) And, Good Luck with your launch ✨

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