Baidu says Ernie Bot can help content creators with chart and short video creati...

 10 months ago
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Baidu says Ernie Bot can help content creators with chart and short video creations

Baidu says Ernie Bot can help content creators with chart and short video creations

6 hours ago

Baidu said Wednesday that its AI chatbot Ernie Bot can help content creators with short video and chart creation.

Baidu has been actively cooperating with developers to build a plugin ecosystem, the plugin mechanism has expanded the boundaries of the large model's capabilities. The Beijing based company said that companies with its API can access and implement Ernie model to create their own AI-assisted systems.

“Thanks to the mutual development of PaddlePaddle and Ernie, the training speed of our large language model has reached 3 times its original speed, and the inference speed has increased by over 30 times,“said Wang Haifeng, Chief Technology Officer of Baidu on Wednesday at the WAVE Summit.

PaddlePaddle, its open-source deep learning platform, has gathered a developer community of 8 million, serving 220,000 enterprises and institutions, and has been used to create 800,000 models.

WAVE Summit is an annual deep learning developer conference hosed by the National Engineering Research Center of Deep Learning Technology and Application in Beijing.

Ernie, Baidu’s foundational AI model, has been integrated into five major plugins: Baidu Search, Document Viewing, E Yan Yi Tu , Shuo Tu Jie Hua , and Yi Jing Liu Ying. This integration equips the model with the capabilities of generating real-time accurate information, summarizing long texts, question-answering, data insights, chart creation, creative content generation and question-answering based on images, and generating short video content.

Referring to the China Science Daily publication, Baidu announced that Ernie 3.5 outperformed ChatGPT in several benchmark assessments.

In Chinese language evaluations, Ernie 3.5 also outperformed GPT-4, OpenAI's latest and more advanced model, as reported by the scientific journal.

The Chinese science journal referenced a test centered around standard admission and qualification exams, akin to college entrance or legal certification assessments. In this context, Ernie 3.5 demonstrated superior performance compared to both ChatGPT and GPT-4 when it came to the Chinese language.

However, when it came to the English language, Ernie 3.5 lagged behind GPT-4 while maintaining a lead over ChatGPT.

Baidu also introduced latest development of Wenxin Yige, an AI image generator similar to Midjourney.

Apart from comprehending standard text descriptions, WenXin YiGe accommodates the input of traditional Chinese poems, which can often possess enigmatic and elusive qualities even to human understanding. Furthermore, this tool possesses the capability to create ink paintings in the style of traditional Chinese art, a process greatly reliant on the model's proficiency in language interpretation.


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