Impossible to connect company account on OneDrive, Teams and Office

 11 months ago
source link: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/impossible-to-connect-company-account-on-onedrive-teams-and-office.4312733/#post-88719299
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Impossible to connect company account on OneDrive, Teams and Office


Senior Member
Hi, I own an OnePlus 8 with lastest stable Oxygen OS (, bootloader unlocked and Magisk. I own the phone for about four months and occasionally my company's account get logged off OneDrive, MS Teams and Office. Yesterday, it happened again but this time I can't login anymore. In particular, on MS Teams shows up this error message:
Impossibile accedere a causa di un problema del certificato. Contatta l'amministratore per risolverlo. <a href="https://github.com/AzureAD/azure-ac...oid/wiki/SSL-Certificate-Validation-with-ADFS"> Altre informazioni</a>


Unable to sign in due to a certificate issue. Contact your IT admin to have them fix it <a href="https://github.com/AzureAD/azure-ac...oid/wiki/SSL-Certificate-Validation-with-ADFS"> More information</a>

I don't know what to do, because I really need those apps. I add that my phone lost Widevine L1 (now it's L3) when I unlocked the bootloader (4 months ago, when I got it), but I don't care about Netflix resolution, as I don't use it. I don't know if the problems are related, but I do know that it does not depend by my company's account, because I can login on OneDrive/Teams/Office on my Samsung Galaxy Tab S2.

Please help.

Last edited: Jul 30, 2021

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