Tasmanian Government, Telstra, and Motorola inaugurate $763m Tasmanian Governmen...

 1 year ago
source link: https://itwire.com/government-tech-news/technology-regulation/tasmanian-government,-telstra,-and-motorola-inaugurate-$763m-tasmanian-government-radio-network.html
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Thursday, 06 July 2023 08:23

Tasmanian Government, Telstra, and Motorola inaugurate $763m Tasmanian Government Radio Network

By Kenn Anthony Mendoza

The Tasmanian Government announced at media event yesterday that the $763 million Tasmanian Government Radio Network (TasGRN), powered by telco provider Telstra and Motorola Solutions, is ready for operational use.

TasGRN will see eight agencies namely the Tasmania Police, Ambulance Tasmania, Tasmania Fire Services, Tasmania SES, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Sustainable Timber Tasmania, TasNetworks, and Hydro Tasmania connected into one unified digital radio network.

This consolidated network will improve emergency services and government agency communications, according to Telstra.

Before the consolidation, different emergency response agencies did not have a single unified network, which limited coordination and posed a risk to community safety.

Last month, CommsWire reported that the TasGRN project will generate 50 jobs during its three-year construction phase.

Minister for police, fire, and emergency management Felix Ellis said additional posts will be recruited to help run and oversee the network once it is fully operational later this year.

The $763 million network was announced in 2020. In 2022, the government trialled the network during the T20 World Cup Cricket World Cup Event in Hobart.

Speaking at the event, Motorola Solutions regional services director Rob Fyfe said the network will provide Tasmania's emergency responders and government organisations with “a highly-advanced, mission critical communications network to support reliable communications every day while providing the capacity to respond to emergencies throughout the state.”

“The innovative network is built on a feature-rich technology platform to provide a variety of additional capabilities for the state's emergency services needed for today and well into the future. These include broadband push-to-talk services enabling seamless communication between radios, smartphones and other devices as well as enhanced integration between existing communication centres’ operating systems and Motorola Solutions’ consoles,” he said.

“The new communications service will enable Tasmania’s emergency services to manage increasingly complex operational requirements - from combating natural disasters, to dealing with the evolving security landscape and beyond. With our advanced communications solutions and services, Tasmania’s public safety agencies will benefit from more reliable, secure and resilient communications today that will also contribute to making the state safer and more prosperous for the future.”

“The network will provide interoperable communications for multiple government organisations, helping to provide the highest levels of safety for communities as well as the emergency responders that put their lives on the line every day to keep Tasmanians safe.”

Telstra group executive David Burns said when the TasGRN is fully operational in coming weeks, Tasmania will “have the newest and one of the most advanced integrated emergency radio networks across Australia.”

“The project encompasses everything from new transmission towers through to new radio terminals for the people on the ground. It has been a massive project, but the benefits will be long lasting. We commend the Tasmanian Government for undertaking such a significant investment to help protect Tasmanians,” Burns concluded.

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