Adding a new AI section to my API doc course

 1 year ago
source link: https://idratherbewriting.com/blog/new-ai-section-for-api-doc-course
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Adding a new AI section to my API doc course

by Tom Johnson on Jul 4, 2023

categories: ai



I'm adding a new section on AI to my API doc course. Currently, there's just 1 article in there (on Oxygen XML Positron Assistant), but I plan to add many more over the coming months.

Some of the articles I have planned include the following:

  • Creating AI chat experiences for users
  • Using AI to learn and document code
  • AI Prompt engineering for docs
  • Toward a holy grail of auto-generated documentation generated by AI
  • Use AI to create shell scripts to manage and publish docs
  • Use AI to fix OpenAPI specification errors
  • Create summaries for docs with AI
  • Improve search with AI tools
  • Use AI to summarize bug threads and resolutions

Any other ideas for me? Let me know. You can see the new section here: Chapter 15: AI tools and API documentation.

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