Enhance API Development with the All-New BoldSign Developer Console

 1 year ago
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Enhance API Development with the all new BoldSign Developer Console

Enhance API Development with the All-New BoldSign Developer Console

We are excited to introduce the BoldSign Developer Console, designed exclusively for developers, that provides valuable insight into BoldSign API requests and responses. This powerful tool empowers developers by monitoring API activity and providing essential details that can be used to optimize workflows and seamlessly integrate the BoldSign eSignature API.

With the BoldSign Developer Console, you can effortlessly view and filter API requests, explore response details, analyze metadata, and even download logs for in-depth analysis. This helps you efficiently identify and resolve issues, saving time and enhancing your overall development experience.

In this blog post, we will explore the capabilities of the BoldSign Developer Console and see how they enhance the developer experience.

Enhanced visibility and transparency

The Developer Console acts as a centralized dashboard, presenting developers with a detailed overview of API requests and responses within the last 30 days. By having access to this data, developers gain visibility into the entire integration process, allowing them to identify patterns, trends, and potential bottlenecks. This level of transparency is invaluable when it comes to troubleshooting and optimizing API integrations.

Navigating to the BoldSign Developer Console

Accessing the Developer Console is straightforward. Admin users can simply navigate to the console by following these steps:

  1. In the BoldSign web application, in the left navigation sidebar, select API.
  2. Click Developer Console.

You can also directly access the Developer Console at this link: https://app.boldsign.com/api-management/developer-console/.

If you haven’t created a BoldSign account yet, you can easily sign up for a free sandbox account right now.

Upon accessing the Developer Console, users are greeted with an intuitive and informative interface to efficiently debug their API integrations. The following image shows the BoldSign Developer Console dashboard.

BoldSign Developer Console Dashboard

Seamless switching between environments

Developers frequently require the ability to test their integrations in both sandbox and live (production) environments. Our platform provides a seamless switching feature that allows users to transition between these environments, ensuring complete comprehension of their API interactions throughout various stages of development. This functionality helps developers validate their integrations within a controlled testing environment before deploying them to a live production environment. You can use the switch control located at the top of the page next to the title to switch between live and sandbox environments.

Viewing and filtering API requests

The Developer Console provides filtering capabilities to streamline the debugging process. Users can filter requests based on their success or failure status. Additionally, a date range filter allows developers to focus on specific periods, making it easier to narrow down issues or analyze trends over time. These filtering options give developers the flexibility to examine specific subsets of API requests and responses, saving valuable time and effort.

Developer Dashboard Console Filter

Comprehensive request details

When viewing request items in the grid, developers are presented with detailed information about it to aid their debugging efforts. The grid displays essential information such as the request path, timestamp, and response code with color-coded indicators to instantly differentiate between success (green) and failure (red).

On the right side of the page, developers can view the response details upon selecting a row from the grid. The response details include the log ID, request method, content type, and response status code. This organized presentation ensures that developers can quickly identify and analyze the specific aspects of the API interaction they are investigating.

Organized Presentation Developer Console

Streamlined file metadata and query parameters

For integrations that involve file uploads using multipart/form-data or application/x-www-form-URL encoding, the Developer Console takes into account the importance of file metadata. It has a dedicated section that displays the metadata of uploaded files, including the name, file size, and type. This information is particularly useful in scenarios where file-related issues need to be diagnosed and resolved.

File information Metadata

Additionally, there is a separate section to display the request query parameters. This granular level of visibility enables developers to closely examine the parameters sent with each request, contributing to a thorough understanding of the API integration process.

File info Metadata

Visualizing request and response bodies

Understanding the request and response bodies is crucial when it comes to debugging API integrations. The BoldSign Developer Console ensures that developers have a clear and structured view of this information. The request body received and the response body sent are both displayed in JSON format. This presentation facilitates comprehension, allowing developers to easily identify any discrepancies or errors in the data being transmitted.

Response body JSon Format

Download logs for comprehensive analysis

To assist with in-depth analysis or share information with colleagues or support teams, the option to download logs is provided. By clicking Download logs, developers will obtain a JSON file that contains all the information displayed on the screen. These logs ensure that developers have a complete record of the API requests and responses, facilitating thorough debugging and enabling collaboration when required.


The launch of the BoldSign Developer Console marks a significant milestone in our commitment to delivering an exceptional developer experience. We are very excited about this addition to our product. Sign up for a free sandbox account to get started with the Developer Console today and unlock a new level of API monitoring and analysis capabilities.

We would love to hear your feedback on this! Let us know how this tool has contributed to enhancing your development experience. If you have any suggestions or questions, please feel free to share them in the comments section below or reach out to us through our support portal.

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