Chinese Researchers Used AI To Design RISC-V CPU In Under 5 Hours - Slashdot

 1 year ago
source link: https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/23/06/30/2235226/chinese-researchers-used-ai-to-design-risc-v-cpu-in-under-5-hours
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Chinese Researchers Used AI To Design RISC-V CPU In Under 5 Hours (tomshardware.com) 31

Posted by BeauHD

on Friday June 30, 2023 @08:45PM from the performance-is-nothing-to-brag-about-though dept.
Required Snark shares a report from Tom's Hardware: A group of Chinese scientists has published (PDF) a paper titled "Pushing the Limits of Machine Design: Automated CPU Design with AI." The paper details the researchers' work in designing a new industrial-scale RISC-V CPU in under 5 hours. It is claimed this AI-automated feat was about 1000x faster than a human team could have finished a comparable CPU design. However, some may poke fun at the resulting AI-designed CPU performing approximately on par with an i486.

Training consisted of observing a series of CPU inputs and outputs. The scientists generated a Binary Speculation Diagram (BSD) from this I/O and leveraged principles of Monte Carlo-based expansion and Boolean functions to hone the accuracy and efficiency of the AI-based CPU design. Thus the CPU design was formed "from only external input-output observations instead of formal program code," explains the scientists. It also boasted an impressive 99.99999999999% accuracy. Using the above-outlined process, an automated AI design of a CPU was created.

The taped-out RISC-V32IA instruction set CPU was fabricated at 65nm and could run at up to 300 MHz. Running the Linux (kernel 5.15) operating system and SPEC CINT 2000 on the AI-generated CPU validated its functionality. In Drystone benchmarks, the AI-generated CPU performed on par with an i486. Interestingly, it appears to be a little bit faster than an Acorn Archimedes A3010 in the same test. Though some might be unimpressed by the performance of the AI-generated CPU, the scientists also seem quite proud that their generated BSD "discovered the von Neumann architecture from scratch."

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