Fun Format Friday: Code is the fabric of life

 1 year ago
source link: https://lobste.rs/s/0dqjmb/fun_format_friday_code_is_fabric_life
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Fun Format Friday: Code is the fabric of life

We’ve learned to tap into the API of Life and now have the ability to do things like volume(universalCoordinates).spawn(h20)

What’re the first programs you’ll write and what are some longer term programs you’d like to write?

I may end FFF after today. It was fun.

    • step 1: spawn 50 kittens
    • step 2: panic
    1. 5d22b

      3 hours ago

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      step 2: panic

      You panic, emotionally, or you make the universe panic!?

  1. Boojum

    edited 9 hours ago

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    Undo/redo feature [P0]

  2. coby

    5 hours ago

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    HomoSapiens.config('ability.telekenesis', 1)
  3. How fast is life’s interpreter? 1 timeslice per timeslice? If I can run things faster than we experience them I’d love to have some kind of kanren-y search algorithm to search through possibilities for the series of decisions I need to achieve what I want.

    If not, I could really use some peanut butter fudge right now. I feel like much day-to-day use would be simple hedonism. Just gonna Skinner Box myself into a really weird universe with increasingly modified laws of physics because it’s fun. Sorry y’all are being subjected to my weather preferences and prank gravity inversions.

  4. 5d22b

    3 hours ago

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    Do we have a way to access documentation on this API? Do we know what volume does or what h20 is?

  5. If I could alter the nature of reality without any constraints, then I would like to make space, time and matter infinitely divisible. This would be handy for building computers more powerful than Turing machines, and would revolutionize what we can do with computers. Consider the possibilities if you can perform an infinite number of computations within a finite amount of time, or store an infinite amount of data within a finite volume!

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