Radar - Hacker-powered threat intelligence | Product Hunt

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/radar-59ba2848-0d83-4347-b7e0-c9cfda6d45de
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Support is great. Feedback is even better.

"Thanks for taking the time to look at our launch page. Feedback means a lot to us, so please do take some time to let us know what you think of the product, and particularly the UX."

The makers of Radar
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Would love to hear your comments on our new Radar product!

This tool is a culmination of a year long research project, which analysed how hackers *actually* select businesses to compromise. The results showed that hackers mass scan the Internet for known vulnerabilities first, then choose who to target from a large pool of these vulnerable businesses.

Radar searches the Internet, DarkWeb, your Internet-facing assets, and terabytes of it's own data stores to find these vulnerabilities in your business before the hackers do, so you can take action and stay safe!

Let us know your thoughts below, if you sign up would love to know your experiences, and hopefully together we can make the online world a little bit more secure!

This seems very useful, but, where did you get the hacker-powered knowledge? Real hackers that do this?

Btw, at first look, you could improve the design a bit, to make more up-to-date.

@mmarinescu88 Thanks for the comments - and yes definitely agree that the UI is certainly a work in progress! We're still a small team so learning a lot.

The hacker-powered knowledge comes from the fact that OnSecurity are a pentest/ethical hacking company.

Radar was designed by our hackers and uses real hacking tools/methodologies to show you what a real hacker would be able to see about your organisation.

It alerts you to how and where they might be able to utilise common vulnerabilities to attack you.

Hope this helps!

This is super cool! Big congrats to the On Security team for building an awesome product - excited to see where this Product Hunt launch goes 🙌

@frcbls Thanks so much Ferruccio! Means a lot coming from you guys! ❤️

June has been a real help for us launching and developing Radar to this point!

Hacker Powered 😍🤞💪. congratulations for the launch 🎊

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