Double - Enrich your leads automatically with AI | Product Hunt

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/double-5
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"What's a repetitive task you spend a ton of time doing everyday?"

The makers of Double
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Hey Product Hunt! 👋 I'm Gonzalo and along with @wesleyyue we’ve built Double: a spreadsheet with GPT-4 and Plugins superpowers.

In this spreadsheet you can:

🤖 Run GPT-4 prompts (up to thousands at a time)

🛜 Scrape any websites by simply providing a list of URLs

🔎 Search Google for up to date information to feed into the AI

📧 Find verified emails for your sales leads

✅ Mix all of the above to create workflows that automate repetitive data work

And much more! Go checkout the templates in our landing page

We originally launched in March, so this is a pretty new product and we’re working day and night to make it better and add new capabilities. If you have a task that you’d want to automate, or have any feedback for us, comment below!

Wow, your video looks very impressive. Will you be automating some of the preparation steps, like scraping information from LinkedIn so the users can go straight to generating personalized outreach emails or similar tasks?

@karsten_picasi Thank you Karsten! We'll be implementing templates soon to help with the preparation steps.

The idea is that you setup the workflows once, and you can run it as many times as you'd like with new data :)

@geepytee Okay, that sounds good. Maybe even allow for team members to use the same workflows so they only have to be invented once. :-)
@karsten_picasi Good idea, shareable files is on the roadmap for this summer! I'll also add that we offer very personalized onboarding sessions, so we help new users build exactly what they need.
Love how easy this is to plug into existing lead gen workflows. Any magic moments in your own usage of it that have gotten you particularly excited?
This looks super useful - lead gen is still way too time consuming especially for ICPs with characteristics that are more complex than just role and company tag
@jasonwcfan Thank you Jason! Hyper specific ICPs is where Double really shines, can easily qualify leads based on information only available deep in their websites.


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