Artemis AI - Personalized bedtime stories crafted by AI | Product Hunt

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/artemis-ai
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Personalized bedtime stories crafted by AI

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We're thrilled to introduce Artemis AI, a novel solution we've built to make bedtime stories more engaging and meaningful. As parents to twin boys, we found ourselves exhausted yet wanting to provide imaginative and moral-rich stories for our kids each night. This need and our passion for technology led us to create Artemis AI.

Our app harnesses the power of GPT and Stable Diffusion to generate unique, personalized bedtime stories based on user inputs. Users can choose a hero, setting, and moral, and our AI crafts an enchanting tale, teaching our young ones about empathy and emotional intelligence.

But we're not just about creating stories - Artemis AI aims to foster a deeper understanding and compassion among our kids in a world where these values are more important than ever. We believe that nurturing these qualities can start with the stories we tell our children.

We're eager to hear your thoughts, feedback, and experiences using Artemis AI. How can technology further enrich our children's learning and development? Do you see a particular feature or adaptation that would improve Artemis AI? Let's start a conversation.

Thanks for checking out Artemis AI and joining us on this exciting journey!

Best, Travis & Dee

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