Apple CEO Cook on 'Ted Lasso' - 'I sure hope there’s a Season 4'

 1 year ago
source link: https://macdailynews.com/2023/06/21/apple-ceo-cook-on-ted-lasso-i-sure-hope-theres-a-season-4/
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Apple CEO Cook on ‘Ted Lasso’ – ‘I sure hope there’s a Season 4’

Wednesday, June 21, 2023 8:58 amWednesday, June 21, 20233 Comments

Earlier this month, Apple TV tweeted a picture of “Ted Lasso” characters Coach Beard (Brendan Hunt), Roy Kent (Brett Goldstein), and Nathan “Nate the Great” Shelley (Nick Mohammed) in the AFC Richmond locker room with a simple sentence: “Smells like potential.”

Apple drops major hint of 'Ted Lasso' spinoff

In early June, Hunt did an “Ask Me Anything” Q&A on Reddit. In response to a question about a fourth season of “Ted Lasso” or a potential spinoff, Hunt replied, “We don’t know. We need a break and will take one presently. Nothing has been ruled out, everything is possible; but that includes the possibility that we’re done. We won’t know until we’ve sat with it for a while, decompressed, etc.”

In the first – and, potentially, only – three seasons of “Ted Lasso,” Jason Sudeikis plays Ted Lasso, a small-time college football coach from Kansas hired to coach a professional soccer team in England, despite having no experience coaching soccer.

Apple CEO Tim Cook hopes to see a Season 4 of the ionic series that put Apple TV+ on the map.

Randee Dawn for the Los Angeles Times:

Is Apple going to let you have a Season 4 of “Ted Lasso,” or have things just completed with the end of Season 3?

[Apple CEO] Tim Cook came to visit the set one day, and when he had his moment to speak in the middle of the locker room, he said, “Thank you for all your hard work, and I sure hope there’s a Season 4.” The position was made very clear, with a Beard-style modicum of vocabulary. Everything’s on the table now, including nothing. It’s been an all-in job for us for so long that we’re going to go away for a little bit and take a break, and then we’ll reconvene and figure out if something else is going to happen.

MacDailyNews Take: Looks like they’re going to rely on the strength of the characters to drive “Ted Lasso” (or a newly-named series, “AFC Richmnond,” perhaps?) without “Ted Lasso” himself, or with reduced work for Sudeikis where we check in with him from time to time as he bonds with his son (season 3 set the stage for that, moving Ted into a noticeably lesser role).

In December 2020, co-creator Bill Lawrence said that “Ted Lasso” would likely end after just season 3 because Sudeikis has a family with young children, and likely will not want to be spending half of each of these precious years in London, an ocean apart from his kids.

“Ted Lasso” is Apple TV+’s main tentpole. Apple will make a monetary offer that Sudekis cannot refuse and the rest is simple: Ted Lasso, after successfully topping the EPL, finds himself in high demand and, lured by big money in America, moves back home along with Coach Beard, Coach Kent, (and possible others) to coach a Major League Soccer team in the U.S. in Season 4. — MacDailyNews, March 7, 2022

We have an exceedingly difficult time believing that “Ted Lasso” will only run three seasons.MacDailyNews, July 20, 2022

With Apple TV+ now owning the MLS broadcast rights worldwide for the next 10 years, the tie-in potential is just too strong for us to imagine that “Ted Lasso” will wrap after Season 3.MacDailyNews, July 20, 2022

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