Finding Direction for Novice Programmer

 1 year ago
source link: https://codeforces.com/blog/entry/117515
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How Can I Become a Good Problem Solver? Seeking Advice!

Hey there! I'm Pranesh and I'm reaching out for some guidance. If you see my profile then you know I'm not good at problem solving. I want to be a good problem solver. Is it possible to become a good problem solver within a year??

My learned topics: 1. Data Structures 2. Algorithm 3. Sorting (Selection, merge, bubble, insertion, etc) 4. Backtracking & Recursion 5. Binary Tree, Dijkstra 6. Minimum Spanning Tree, Graphs 7. Number theory topics 8. Greedy & Dynamic Programming algorithms 9. Divide and conquer

If you have time please give me some advice to me. Although I'm not yet confident enough to participate in contests, I'm determined to overcome my doubts and become more self-assured. ~ Advance Thanks to you.

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