LinkedIn to test video ads on streaming services

 1 year ago
source link: https://searchengineland.com/linkedin-test-video-ads-streaming-services-428404
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You could soon be able to run ads on video streaming services targeting LinkedIn's 930 million subscribers.

Nicola Agius on June 20, 2023 at 2:28 pm | Reading time: 2 minutes

Marketers may soon be able to run ads on video-streaming services specifically targeting LinkedIn users.

A new ad product is about to be trialed by the social networking platform, which is owned by Microsoft, that will be aimed as reaching its 930 million subscribers when they watch movies and TV shows.

Why we care: Marketers could potentially increase their ROI and subsequently boost revenue as it is an opportunity to reach their target audience more efficiently. 

Why now? LinkedIn makes most of its $5 billion revenue from ads sold on its news feed. The social networking platform, which is already up 8% year-on-year in sales, is reportedly now looking to boost profit further by exploring the fast-growing ad streaming sector. 

The move comes just two weeks after LinkedIn announced it was piloting generative AI features to help advertisers.

What has LinkedIn said? “In-stream video ads can change the way brands and buyers reach and engage their audiences,” Penry Price, vice president of marketing solutions at LinkedIn, explained to Reuters.

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What AI features are available to advertisers on LinkedIn? The social networking platform rolled out AI Copy Suggestions to a limited number of North American marketers two weeks ago. However, LinkedIn has suggested that it will be introducing the feature in more languages and regions over the next few months.

The professional networking platform has followed in the footsteps of Google AdsMeta and Amazon by offering generative AI features to advertisers.

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