How much memory is needed to run 1M Erlang processes?

 1 year ago
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How much memory is needed to run 1M Erlang processes?

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Recently benchmark for concurrency implementation in different languages. In this article Piotr Kołaczkowski used Chat GPT to generate the examples in the different languages and benchmarked them. This was poor choice as I have found this article and read the Elixir example:

tasks =
    for _ <- 1..num_tasks do
        Task.async(fn ->

Task.await_many(tasks, :infinity)

And, well, it's pretty poor example of BEAM's process memory usage, and I am not talking about the fact that it uses 4 spaces for indentation.

For 1 million processes this code reported 3.94 GiB of memory used by the process in Piotr's benchmark, but with little work I managed to reduce it about 4 times to around 0.93 GiB of RAM usage. In this article I will describe:

  • how I did that
  • why the original code was consuming so much memory
  • why in the real world you probably should not optimise like I did here
  • why using ChatGPT to write benchmarking code sucks (TL;DR because that will nerd snipe people like me)

What are Erlang processes?#

Erlang is well known of being language which support for concurrency is superb, and Erlang processes are the main reason for that. But what are these?

In Erlang process is the common name for what other languages call virtual threads or green threads, but in Erlang these have small neat twist - each of the process is isolated from the rest and these processes can communicate only via message passing. That gives Erlang processes 2 features that are rarely spotted in other implementations:

  • Failure isolation - bug, unhandled case, or other issue in single process will not directly affect any other process in the system. VM can send some messages due to process shutdown, and other processes may be killed because of that, but by itself shutting down single process will not cause problems in any process not related to that.
  • Location transparency - process can be spawned locally or on different machine, but from the viewpoint of the programmer, there is no difference.

The above features and requirements results in some design choices, but for our purpose only one is truly needed today - each process have separate and (almost) independent memory stack from any other process.

Process dictionary#

Each process in Erlang VM has dedicated mutable memory space for their internal uses. Most people do not use it for anything because in general it should not be used unless you know exactly what you are doing (in my case, a bad carpenter could count cases when I needed it, on single hand). In general it's here be dragons area.

How it's relevant to us?

Well, OTP internally uses process dictionary (pdict for short) to store metadata about given process that can be later used for debugging purposes. Some data that it store are:

  • Initial function that was run by the given process
  • PIDs to all ancestors of the given process

Different processes abstractions (like get_server/GenServer, Elixir's Task, etc.) can store even more metadata there, logger store process metadata in process dictionary, rand store state of the PRNGs in the process dictionary. it's used quite extensively by some OTP features.

"Well behaved" OTP process#

In addition to the above metadata if the process is meant to be "well behaved" process in OTP system, i.e. process that can be observed and debugged using OTP facilities, it must respond to some additional messages defined by sys module. Without that the features like observer would not be able to "see" the content of the process state.

Process memory usage#

As we have seen above, the Task.async/1 function form Elixir must do much more than just simple "start process and live with it". That was one of the most important problems with the original process, it was using system, that was allocating quite substantial memory alongside of the process itself, just to operate this process. In general, that would be desirable approach (as you really, really, want the debugging facilities), but in synthetic benchmarks, it reduce the feasibility of such benchmark.

If we want to avoid that additional memory overhead in our spawned processes we need to go back to more primitive functions in Erlang, namely erlang:spawn/1 (Kernel.spawn/1 in Elixir). But that mean that we cannot use Task.await_many/2 anymore, so we need to workaround it by using custom function:

defmodule Bench do
  def await(pid) when is_pid(pid) do
    # Monitor is internal feature of Erlang that will inform you (by sending
    # message) when process you monitor die. The returned value is type called
    # "reference" which is just simply unique value returned by the VM.
    # If the process is already dead, then message will be delivered
    # immediately.
    ref = Process.monitor(pid)

    receive do
      {:DOWN, ^ref, :process, _, _} -> :ok

  def await_many(pids) do
    Enum.each(pids, &await/1)

tasks =
  for _ <- 1..num_tasks do
    # `Kernel` module is imported by default, so no need for `Kernel.` prefix
    spawn(fn ->


We already removed one problem (well, two in fact, but we will go into details in next section).

All your lists belongs to us now#

Erlang, like most of the functional programming languages, have 2 built-in sequence types:

  • Tuples - which are non-growable product type of the values, so you can access any field quite fast, but adding more values is performance no-no
  • (Singly) linked lists - growable type (in most case it will have single type values in it, but in Erlang that is not always the case), which is fast to prepend or pop data from the beginning, but do not try to do anything else if you care about performance.

In this case we will focus on the 2nd one, as there tuples aren't important at all.

Singly linked list is simple data structure. It's either special value [] (an empty list) or it's something called "cons-cell". Cons-cells are also simple structures - it's 2ary tuple (tuple with 2 elements) where first value is head - the value in the list cell, and another one is the "tail" of the list (aka rest of the list). In Elixir the cons-cell is denoted like that [head | tail]. Super simple structure as you can see, and perfect for the functional programming as you can add new values to the list without modifying existing values, so you can be immutable and fast. However if you need to construct the sequence of a lot of values (like our list of all tasks) then we have problem. Because Elixir promises that list returned from the for will be in-order of the values passed to it. That mean that we either need to process our data like that:

def map([], _), do: []

def map([head | tail], func) do
  [func.(head) | map(tail, func)]

Where we build call stack (as we cannot have tail call optimisation there, of course sans compiler optimisations). Or we need to build our list in reverse order, and then reverse it before returning (so we can have TCO):

def map(list, func), do: do_map(list, func, [])

def map([], _func, agg), do: :lists.reverse(agg)

def map([head | tail], func, agg) do
  map(tail, func, [func.(head) | agg])

Which one of these approaches is more performant is irrelevant1, what is relevant is that we need either build call stack or construct our list twice to be able to conform to the Elixir promises (even if in this case we do not care about order of the list returned by the for).


Sometimes body recursion will be faster, sometimes TCO will be faster. it's impossible to tell without more benchmarking. For more info check out superb article by Ferd Herbert.

Of course we could mitigate our problem by using Enum.reduce/3 function (or writing it on our own) and end with code like:

defmodule Bench do
  def await(pid) when is_pid(pid) do
    ref = Process.monitor(pid)

    receive do
      {:DOWN, ^ref, :process, _, _} -> :ok

  def await_many(pids) do
    Enum.each(pids, &await/1)

tasks =
  Enum.reduce(1..num_tasks, [], fn _, agg ->
    # `Kernel` module is imported by default, so no need for `Kernel.` prefix
    pid =
      spawn(fn -> :timer.sleep(10000) end)

    [pid | agg]


Even then we build list of all PIDs.

Here I can also go back to the "second problem* I have mentioned above. Task.await_many/1 also construct a list. it's list of return value from all the processes in the list, so not only we constructed list for the tasks' PIDs, we also constructed list of return values (which will be :ok for all processes as it's what :timer.sleep/1 returns), and immediately discarded all of that.

How we can better? See that all we care is that all num_task processes have gone down. We do not care about any of the return values, all what we want is to know that all processes that we started went down. For that we can just send messages from the spawned processes and count the received messages count:

defmodule Bench do
  def worker(parent) do
    send(parent, :done)

  def start(0), do: :ok
  def start(n) when n > 0 do
    this = self()
    spawn(fn -> worker(this) end)

    start(n - 1)

  def await(0), do: :ok
  def await(n) when n > 0 do
    receive do
      :done -> await(n - 1)


Now we do not have any lists involved and we still do what the original task meant to do - spawn num_tasks processes and wait till all go down.

Arguments copying#

One another thing that we can account there - lambda context and data passing between processes.

You see, we need to pass this (which is PID of the parent) to our newly spawned process. That is suboptimal, as we are looking for the way to reduce amount of the memory (and ignore all other metrics at the same time). As Erlang processes are meant to be "share nothing" type of processes there is problem - we need to copy that PID to all processes. it's just 1 word (which mean 8 bytes on 64-bit architectures, 4 bytes on 32-bit), but hey, we are microbenchmarking, so we cut whatever we can (with 1M processes, this adds up to 8 MiBs).

Hey, we can avoid that by using yet another feature of Erlang, called registry. This is yet another simple feature that allows us to assign PID of the process to the atom, which allows us then to send messages to that process using just name, we have given. While atoms are also 1 word that wouldn't make sense to send it as well, but instead we can do what any reasonable microbenchmarker would do - hardcode stuff:

defmodule Bench do
  def worker do
    send(:parent, :done)

  def start(0), do: :ok
  def start(n) when n > 0 do
    spawn(fn -> worker() end)

    start(n - 1)

  def await(0), do: :ok
  def await(n) when n > 0 do
    receive do
      :done -> await(n - 1)

Process.register(self(), :parent)


Now we do not pass any arguments, and instead rely on the registry to dispatch our messages to respective processes.

One more thing#

As you may have already noticed we are passing lambda to the spawn/1. That is also quite suboptimal, because of difference between remote and local call. This mean that we are paying slight memory cost for these processes to keep the old module in memory. Instead we can use either fully qualified function capture or spawn/3 function that accepts MFA (module, function name, arguments list) argument. We end with:

defmodule Bench do
  def worker do
    send(:parent, :done)

  def start(0), do: :ok
  def start(n) when n > 0 do

    start(n - 1)

  def await(0), do: :ok
  def await(n) when n > 0 do
    receive do
      :done -> await(n - 1)

Process.register(self(), :parent)



With given Erlang compilation:

Erlang/OTP 25 [erts-] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:1]

Elixir 1.14.5 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 25)

Note no JIT as Nix on macOS currently2 disable it and I didn't bother to enable it in the derivation (it was disabled because there were some issues, but IIRC these are resolved now).


Nixpkgs rev bc3ec5ea

The results are as follow (in bytes of peak memory footprint returned by /usr/bin/time on macOS):


As we can see we have reduced the memory use by about 30% by just changing from Task.async/1 to spawn/1. Further optimisations reduced memory usage slightly, but with no such drastic changes.

Can we do better?

Well, with some VM flags tinkering - of course.

You see, by default Erlang VM will not only create some data required for handling process itself3:


Again, word here mean 8 bytes on 64-bit and 4 bytes on 32-bit architectures.

Data TypeMemory Size
Erlang process338 words when spawned, including a heap of 233 words.

-- Erlang Efficiency Guide: 11. Advanced

As we can see, there are 105 words that are required and 233 words which are used for preallocated heap. But this is microbenchmarking, so as we do not need that much of memory (because our processes basically does nothing), we can reduce it. We do not care about time performance anyway. For that we can use +hms flag and set it to some small value, for example 1.

In addition to heap size Erlang by default load some additional data from the BEAM files. That data is used for debugging and error reporting, but again, we are microbenchmarking, and who need debugging support anyway (answer: everyone, so do not do it in production). Luckily for us, the VM has yet another flag for that purpose +L.

Erlang also uses some ETS (Erlang Term Storage) tables by default (for example to support process registry we have mentioned above). ETS tables can be compressed, but by default it's not done, as it can slow down some kinds of operations on such tables. Fortunately there is, another, flag +ec that has description:

Forces option compressed on all ETS tables. Only intended for test and evaluation.

Sounds good enough for me.

With all these flags enabled we get peak memory footprint at 996257792 bytes.

Compare it in more human readable units.

Peak Memory Footprint for 1M processes
Original code3.94 GiB
Improved code2.58 GiB
Improved code with flags0.93 GiB

Result - about 76% of the peak memory usage reduction. Not bad.


First of all:

Please, do not use ChatGPT for writing code for microbenchmarks.

The thing about microbenchmarking is that we write code that does as little as possible to show (mostly) meaningless features of the given technology in abstract environment. ChatGPT cannot do that, not out of malice or incompetence, but because it used (mostly) good and idiomatic code to teach itself, microbenchmarks rarely are something that people will consider to have these qualities. It also cannot consider other features that wetware can take into account (like our "we do not need lists there" thing).

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