ANTHOLOGY — It's a Cloud Native world

 1 year ago
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Changelog Interviews – Episode #543

ANTHOLOGY — It's a Cloud Native world

with Jeffrey Sica, Eddie Zeneski, Yaron Schneider at OSS NA 2023

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This is our last week of hallway track coverage at The Linux Foundation’s Open Source Summit North America 2023 in Vancouver, Canada. Today’s anthology episode features: Jeffrey Sica (Developer Experience & Programs @ CNCF), Eddie Zeneski (Kubernetes SIG CLI), Yaron Schneider (Co-creator of Dapr and Founder and CTO at Diagrid).

Special thanks to our friends at GitHub for sponsoring us to attend this conference as part of Maintainer Month.


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1 00:00

This week on The Changelog

2 01:12

Sponsor: Sentry

3 05:21

It's Jeefy!!

4 06:51

So what do you do (here)?

5 07:50

Office Space!

6 08:51

Jeefy supports all CNCF projects

7 11:03

What is the motivation of the CNCF?

8 13:10

Miss you Dan!

9 13:27

What's the End Game for CNCF?

10 15:16

Must have all Cloud Native OSS

11 15:52

This is like, my opinion, man.

12 16:46

Give the personal answer

13 17:56

Everyone wants to CNCF their thing

14 20:13

Do you like this job?

15 21:48

What do you like most?

16 22:15

I have impact and help

17 22:43

I make the hotel bed

18 22:55

The Endowment effect

19 25:20

What If...? No CNCF.

20 27:30

This interview is OVER!

21 28:44

Sponsor: Raycast

22 32:39

Working on the Kubernetes CLI

23 33:48

Kube Control (officially)!??

24 34:59

What should we know?

25 35:13

It's all Go

26 35:26

From Bash to Go

27 35:48

Thank you ChatGPT!

28 36:37

GPT flattened the world

29 37:10

How many flags??

30 37:31

Biggest challenge as a Maintainer?

31 39:00

Kubernetes is all JSON

32 39:46

The Go YAML world

33 41:17

New contributor challenges

34 42:15

Putting down the wisdom

35 43:55

How to become a contributor?

36 45:01

What brings someone back 3x?

37 45:44


38 47:46

Could you learn from Linux?

39 49:06

Useful software gets upgraded

40 50:24

Could be a Yarn / NPM situation

41 52:29

CI bill is $3M a year!!

42 54:05

It's a Cloud Native world

43 54:10

Maintainer hacks

44 55:47

What is your day like?

45 57:02

Thanks for talking Eddie

46 57:21

Sponsor: Changelog News

47 59:17

Incubating in the CNCF

48 1:00:10

Started Dapr at Microsoft

49 1:01:50

Distributed systems problems

50 1:02:57

Is this a framework?

51 1:04:28

Dapr stack?

52 1:05:11

Escaping Microsoft

53 1:07:10

Start a Microsoft and exit to Founder

54 1:08:07

From "No" to "Yes"

55 1:09:15

Nice Logos

56 1:10:40

Why a managed Dapr?

57 1:12:25

The reluctant Founder journey

58 1:15:26

Competing on "Best managed service"

59 1:16:30

You're not Dapr, Inc.?

60 1:17:31

Parallels to Dapr?

61 1:18:03

Polyglot drawbacks

62 1:19:02

The future of Dapr

63 1:19:49

Up next!


⏰ Coming Soon


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