Noodl AI - AI powered low code | Product Hunt

 1 year ago
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Noodl AI

AI powered low code

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Use Noodl AI to generate your app building blocks and rapidly create powerful custom apps. Create UI, logic, API calls, DB queries, data visualizations, and more through a chat interface. Craft your app to perfection with Noodl's visual programming model.
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Hello Product Hunt Community! 👋

The Noodl team is absolutely delighted to unveil our newest creation: Noodl AI, a next-generation, visual low-code platform infused with the power of AI. And guess what? We're steering towards an open-source model, further fostering creativity, collaboration, and freedom. It's a thrilling ride ahead, and we can't wait to share it with you!

We’re ensuring that Noodl AI leaps beyond traditional coding barriers, seamlessly integrating with large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT. This new evolution allows anyone, regardless of their coding expertise, to craft advanced features such as Javascript functions, REST calls, database queries, and CRUD functions – all from a text prompt!

Our mission with Noodl AI is to dismantle the walls between innovative ideas and market opportunities. We envision a world where no one, be it an individual or an organization, misses out on potential growth due to lack of resources – developers, designers, or any other constraints. This is where Noodl AI takes center stage!

Imagine a landscape of magical Lego building blocks that take on any shape or function you wish for. That's the visual programming environment Noodl AI offers. Powered by AI, we’re enabling users of all skill levels to generate UIs, formulate custom JavaScript, execute database queries, implement API calls, and so much more using simple text prompts. With Noodl AI, every conceivable block of software creation is just an ask away.

🎉So, you’re very welcome to be part of the Noodl community, and the next generation of Noodl: a generation where AI meets creativity, and building applications becomes as intuitive as having a conversation.

Ready to ride this wave with us? 🌊

Sign-up for the waitlist - we are already rolling out access, and you’ll be getting your hands on Noodl AI in no time. Together, let's shape the future of software development!

Join the waitlist today: https://www.noodl.net/noodl-ai

Follow us for more updates Twitter: https://twitter.com/getnoodl Discord Server https://discord.com/invite/23xU2... Noodl is going open source read the announcement: https://www.noodl.net/open-source

Noodl is an amazing front-end and back-end low-code web app and wrapped mobile app builder that has completely changed the way I work as a freelance developer. Coming from Bubble no-code development, Noodl opened my eyes to development best practices and what's really possible when you break away from a 'locked-in' development platform.

Noodl also opened up a tonne of possibilities for me with its ability to easily integrate code blocks to run more complex operations and external integrations via API. When I get stuck with the code, Noodl AI can help me produce what's missing and debug the code block. It's the perfect compromise between a full-code IDE and the visual no-coding concept, better than any other platform I've tried (and I've tried them all).

I feel like the world is my oyster when I use Noodl as the foundation for my clients' development projects. This product is highly recommended, and I hope everyone at least downloads the free version to complete the tutorial lessons and see the power of developing with Noodl. This is not a product to miss out on.

Amazing tool, Low-code meets AI 🤯.

The future is now! I've been using 🍜Noodl and the AI feature for a while now.

Very cool that you can visual design as you would normally as a designer, such as that in Figma or Webflow, The missing piece, is that if I want to create logic that does something clever, such as a countdown or convert data types, or query a database... now with 🍜Noodl AI it can take that prompt and code it for you. All you have to do now is know at a high level what you want.

❤️ 🍜Noodl AI Function Blocks, ❤️🍜Noodl

@john_ferreira Thank you so much for your support! We're thrilled to hear that you're enjoying using 🍜Noodl and exploring its AI capabilities. The combination of low-code and AI truly brings about a new level of possibilities and empowers everyone to create amazing things. ❤️

i've been working with Noodl before the AI feature.

Already an awesome tool just by its design and way of thinking where you mix visual and logic components in one place, which is my way of thinking. Moreover, the transition from nocode to lowcode and vice versa is very simple and smooth, and objects and variables created in one can be used in the other, naturally.

By adding the AI feature, Noodl becomes an incredible product, accelerating every aspect of the development in many ways and more, improving the devEx in awesome ways.

it accelerates page design, it accelerates code script generation, it enables quick visual generation when you design or sketch. The overwhole gain is : increase your speed and productivity in web app & mobile development.

@guillaumemaison Thank you for your support! 🙏 That’s right with the AI feature, Noodl becomes even more incredible, accelerating every aspect of development and improving the overall devEx. 🚀

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