Microsoft makes it easier for Windows 11 Insiders to install free games and apps...

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/microsoft-makes-it-easier-for-windows-11-insiders-to-install-free-games-and-apps-from-store/
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Microsoft makes it easier for Windows 11 Insiders to install free games and apps from Store

The Windows 11 and Microsoft Store logos

Microsoft released a Dev Channel build today, 24375, and a Canary Channel build, 25387, which adds new features and improvements. The build also updates the Microsoft Store to its latest version. Announced in a previous release, the Store has a new feature that lets users install free apps and games from the search results. This is meant to be an easier and more convenient way to install various free software from the Microsoft Store. The capability is now rolling out to more users on the Dev Channel as well as the Canary Channel.

Aside from that, games and movie cards have also been redesigned to make it more aesthetically pleasing to browse through. The full changelog for the Store update is given below:

Microsoft Store Update

Windows Insiders in the Canary and Dev Channels running version 2305.1401.x.x of the Microsoft Store and higher will see the following improvements rolling out:

  • Install free apps and games from search results: The ability to install free apps and games from search results which began rolling out to Insiders in the Canary and Dev Channel at the end of March is rolling out to more Insiders starting today.
Quickly install free apps and games from search results in the Store.

Quickly install free apps and games from search results in the Store.

  • New designs for game and movie cards: Browsing the Microsoft Store is more delightful than ever with our new designs for game and movie cards. The cards give more room for artwork, adding more color to your experience and making it easier for you to spot your next favorite product.
New designs for game and movie cards in the Store.

New designs for game and movie cards in the Store.

FEEDBACK: Please file feedback in Feedback Hub (WIN + F) under Microsoft Store.

The official Microsoft blog post is linked here.

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