Dante AI - Custom GPT chatbots trained on your data | Product Hunt

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/dante-ai
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The makers of Dante AI
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Hey! We've had a great time building and launching Dante AI during a 7-week sprint from MVP to go-live. We would love to share our product with the community!

We are also hiring frontend and backend developers; feel free to contact us!

Thanks, James

This is an awesome product! How are you guys unique in the market as I've seen similar products in the past?
@profy17 hey Frank, thanks so much for the support! Our packed roadmap includes some great features to take us into a unique space. Watch this space :)

Wow, congratulations on your recent launch on Product Hunt! 🎉🚀 Your GPT-4 chatbot sounds like an amazing tool. I am impressed with the idea of training the AI, customizing it, and embedding it seamlessly on any website with no coding required. 👨‍💻

I am curious to know if there are any specific use cases that the chatbot is best suited for. 🤔 Additionally, I am interested in knowing if there are any unique features or details that make your chatbot stand out from other options in the market. 🧐

Overall, I am excited to see how your innovative product will change the landscape of chatbots and AI technology. Keep up the great work! 👏👌

@gabriel_nori thank you so much for your support! Let us know how you get on with the product's free access. There really are unlimited case studies for Dante. If you need to process large amounts of data and retrieve instant insights, it helps. If you need a customer-facing AI chatbot (across any industry), it helps. Have fun and let us know if you need anymore power on your Dante account 🚀
No code solutions for projects involving LLMs like GPT-4 will definitely increase the number of consumers of a product!

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