Live in 60 Minutes: Creating an Automated Deployment from Scratch

 1 year ago
source link: https://thephp.cc/dates/live-in-60-minutes-creating-an-automated-deployment-from-scratch-international-php-conference
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Live in 60 Minutes: Creating an Automated Deployment from Scratch

October 24, 2023 International PHP Conference, Munich

Manually performing repetitive tasks like running tests, compiling assets, and deploying software to production is a serious waste of time. Not to mention annoying! Maybe this is because it comes with a high chance of breaking things.

Using Gitlab CI, in this session, we'll set up a pipeline from scratch to have the tests run, assets compiled, as well as our software nicely packaged, containerized, and deployed.

More information and tickets: https://phpconference.com/munich/

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