Synology BeeDrive is a tiny, lightweight mobile backup and data transport soluti...

 1 year ago
source link: https://ausdroid.net/news/2023/05/30/synology-beedrive-is-a-tiny-lightweight-mobile-backup-and-data-transport-solution/
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Synology BeeDrive is a tiny, lightweight mobile backup and data transport solution


When it comes to mobile data solutions, there are plenty out there. A new device from Synology has caught my attention though with a bunch of useful features, and physical specs that make it unnoticeable in a daily carry kit.

The BeeDrive is a portable drive that fits in the palm of your hand and is available in 1TB or 2TB options. The drive measures a mere 65 x 65 x 15 mm and weighs a minuscule 43 grams. On paper (it will depend on your machine’s capability) you can transfer at up to 10Gbps from and to the BeeDrive.


To connect it to your computer, simply need to connect the cable. For mobile users, you’ll need the app for your chosen platform and you can then connect wirelessly to get the full feature set and automated backups though.

Synology has spent a lot of time on the accompanying software to ensure ease of use and functionality. With the capacity to automate backups when the drive is plugged into your computer, with only the selected files or folders copied over.

There’s a lot to be said about having a NAS in your life, but external drives still have their place. They’re lightweight, can be accessed without Internet access when you’re away from home or the office and require no subscriptions like cloud storage does.

The indicative retail pricing we’ve received is AU$224.00 for the 1TB version and AU$377.00 for the 2TB.

We’ve got one on the test bench and will be delivering a full review in the next couple of weeks. We’ll be testing it for speed and the software for functionality, so hit us up with your questions in the comments below.

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