Best Crypto of 2023: HedgeUp Gains 400+ Holders Daily from Avalanche (AVAX) and...

 1 year ago
source link: https://cryptomode.com/best-crypto-of-2023-hedgeup-gains-400-holders-daily-from-avalanche-avax-and-chainlink-link-investors/
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Best Crypto of 2023: HedgeUp Gains 400+ Holders Daily from Avalanche (AVAX) and Chainlink (LINK) Investors


HedgeUp (HDUP) is an upcoming DeFi project that has the potential to revolutionize investments and give users access to alternative assets. With its NFT protocol, users can buy fractional ownership of physical objects like gold, silver, diamonds, boats, and jets for as little as $1.

HedgeUp (HDUP) tokens are currently in the presale stage and investors have already predicted huge gains. Investors with a buy-and-hold strategy are loading up bags, while others plan to use DEX liquidity pools to farm.

HedgeUp (HDUP) offers a unique opportunity to build wealth through diversifying investments across multiple assets with one token – but how does it compare to some of the biggest players in the DeFi game?

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More on Chainlink (LINK)

Chainlink (LINK) is a decentralized oracle network that bridges the gap between smart contracts on blockchains and real-world data sources. Its goal is to enable secure and trustless connectivity between blockchain-based applications and the data they need to function properly.

What makes Chainlink so crucial to the crypto industry is its ability to provide reliable and accurate data to smart contracts, which is essential for creating sophisticated financial instruments and other decentralized applications.

Chainlink and other oracles are why assets are the same price across every chain. ETH will be the same price on BNB and on FTM, thanks to Chainlink (LINK).

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Avalanche (AVAX) – So close, yet so far away

Avalanche (AVAX) became popular with the rise of Time Wonderland during the Ohm fork season and continued to see success with the Tomb fork season. However, as these projects began to fail in spectacular fashion as overall market sentiment turned bearish, so did the price of AVAX.

It’s still a fast, reliable, and inexpensive blockchain to use. Many insiders predict it could rise from the ashes during the next bull run, as solid projects like Trader Joe have proven to offer fantastic products.

Chainlink (LINK), on the other hand, is necessary for the success of crypto as a whole. But for some reason, many investors don’t look at it as a blue chip asset and cycle out as the market begins to tank.

Both of these projects are fantastic. But they’ve had their fair share of problems.

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What is HedgeUp, and why is it a top crypto pick for 2023?

When the HedgeUp (HDUP) team realized they had a winning product, they asked themselves what they hoped to achieve. They didn’t want to be like Chainlink (LINK) or Avalanche (AVAX). Essentially, they didn’t want a winning product that people viewed as a cycling asset or an “alt.”

They wanted to build an ecosystem. Something sustainable that everyone will want a piece of both now and in the future.

With its NFT protocol, users can buy fractional ownership of physical objects like precious metals and high-end luxury items for as little as $1. HedgeUp (HDUP) tokens are currently in the presale stage and investors have already predicted substantial gains in 2023.

HedgeUp (HDUP) offers a unique opportunity to build wealth through diversifying investments across multiple assets with one token – making it a top crypto pick for 2023!

Find out more about the HedgeUp (HDUP) presale here:

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