Buying Brand New MacBook from Ebay - how to check if it is company registered (h...

 1 year ago
source link: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/buying-brand-new-macbook-from-ebay-how-to-check-if-it-is-company-registered-has-mdm-profiles-before-opening.2390177/
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Buying Brand New MacBook from Ebay - how to check if it is company registered (has MDM profiles) before opening?


macrumors 65816

Original poster

Sep 20, 2012 1,148 2,102 Interstellar
Hi all

So after buying a used MacBook from eBay, I was pretty surprised when it appeared it still had an MDM / company profile attached to it. It's becoming a bit of a nightmare trying to get it removed due to the differing chains the laptop was sold through, so I've decided to see if I can get a brand new laptop instead.

I've found a brand new MacBook Pro, however is there any way of knowing whether the MacBook has any MDM profiles associated with it before I open it? Furthermore, can a MDM profile be pushed down to it later on?



macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009 26,504 11,162
What ever happened to "fool me once, shame on you -- fool me twice, shame on ME" ??

If you want a "brand new" MacBook Pro, BUY IT FROM APPLE.
Or at the very least, buy an Apple-refurbished unit (I've done that, with great results).

If you buy a MBP that has MDM on it (from ebay or other similar source), it's probably stolen property. Do you really want to go through this again?
Reactions: Audit13


macrumors 6502a
Nov 16, 2008 1,874
If you buy a MBP that has MDM on it (from ebay or other similar source), it's probably stolen property. Do you really want to go through this again?
This really isn't always true. My company regularly recycles MacBooks that end up enrolling back into our MDM because someone along the line recycled a MacBook that didn't get removed from our MDM.


macrumors G5
Jul 11, 2009 12,544 5,978
This really isn't always true. My company regularly recycles MacBooks that end up enrolling back into our MDM because someone along the line recycled a MacBook that didn't get removed from our MDM.
But if you're buying a brand new MBP from eBay as the OP intends to do, it's extremely unlikely that the computer would have been recycled.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 16, 2008 1,874
Ah, yes. Missed the recycled part. I wouldn't buy a new machine from eBay.

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