Apple Music's Spatial Audio is a huge advantage over Spotify

 1 year ago
source link: https://macdailynews.com/2023/02/14/apple-musics-spatial-audio-is-a-huge-advantage-over-spotify/
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Apple Music’s Spatial Audio is a huge advantage over Spotify

Tuesday, February 14, 2023 11:38 am7 Comments

Spatial Audio, a revolutionary feature that Apple Music launched in June 2021, provides a more immersive listening experience for its users. Spatial Audio leverages Dolby Atmos technology, creating a three-dimensional soundstage for music.

Apple features Billie Eilish in new Apple Music Spatial Audio promotion (still from video)
Billie Eilish in an Apple Music Spatial Audio promotion

While Spotify and Apple Music are two of the most popular music streaming services, Apple Music’s Spatial Audio can be seen as an advantage over Spotify for several reasons.

First, Spatial Audio creates a more realistic and engaging listening experience. Traditional stereo sound separates the music into two channels – left and right – and the sound comes from those two fixed positions. In contrast, Spatial Audio delivers a more dynamic experience where sound can move in any direction around you, creating a more lifelike and spatial feel. With Spatial Audio, it’s possible to hear individual instruments in a song from different directions, giving users a more immersive experience of the music.

Second, Apple Music’s Spatial Audio is available for free to all subscribers, while Spotify does not even offer an equivalent feature. Spofity’s limited spatial audio offerings are said to sound inferior and there are just a relative handful of tracks offered. Apple Music’s Spatial Audio is a huge incentive for more discerning music listeners to choose Apple Music over Spotify.

Third, Apple Music’s Spatial Audio has a vastly larger catalog of supported music. Apple Music has partnered with major artists to create Spatial Audio mixes of their albums, with new releases being added regularly. Apple Music has millions of tracks available in Spatial Audio.

Fourth, Apple Music’s Spatial Audio is easy to use. The feature is automatically enabled for all Spatial Audio supported songs and is accessible across all devices, including iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple TV. Spatial Audio can be turned on and off at any time, depending on the user’s preference. On the other hand, Spotify’s Spatial Audio feature requires users to enable it manually for the few songs that offer it, which can be cumbersome for some listeners.

Lastly, Spatial Audio is a step towards the future of audio. Spatial Audio has the potential to revolutionize how we consume audio content, not just music. With the rise of immersive audio technology, it’s probable that we will see more audio content, such as podcasts and audiobooks, adopting this feature in the future. By offering Spatial Audio, Apple Music is positioning itself as the innovative and forward-thinking platform, which could attract users who value cutting-edge audio experiences.

MacDailyNews Take: Spatial Audio is certainly a compelling advantage for Apple Music over Spotify. Apple’s Music’s Spatial Audio provides a more engaging and immersive listening experience, with a far larger catalog of supported music, that sounds better than Spotify with a foolproof interface – all at no additional cost. As audio technology continues to evolve, Spatial Audio is a game-changer in how we experience music and other audio content, and Apple Music is at the forefront of this revolution.

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