Marketing Mega-Prompts

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/marketing-mega-prompts
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40 ChatGPT prompts to deliver real results

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Heyyyyy Product Hunters 👋

Today is an AI-powered Monday. Because we finally launched our new product for ChatGPT.

Meet your new marketing co-pilot — Marketing Mega-Prompts.

Here is the full story.

1️⃣ Why have we built it?

There are hundreds of free ChatGPT swipe files with 200, 500, 2000 prompts for Entrepreneurs. I bet you’ve downloaded at least one of them.

But here is the truth we both know — almost all of them are useless.

You can’t get real value from prompts like, “What is SEO?” or “Write me a cold email for ”. That’s why you still don’t use ChatGPT for marketing daily.

It shouldn’t be this way.

2️⃣ What’s different?

We built Marketing Mega-Prompts with one goal in mind — to get every Solopreneur a 24/7 available CMO.

Instead of chasing quantity, we hand-crafted only 40 prompts that have real-world value. Use cases that you face every day in your one-person business.

And then, we wrote extremely detailed (1000-2000 characters) ChatGPT prompts to nail instructions, personalization, and formatting.

Now you can finally start using ChatGPT to its full capacity.

3️⃣ What’s inside?

Let’s save your 10+ hours every month:

- 40 unique marketing mega-prompts for ChatGPT - Covering Marketing Strategy, Content Marketing, Audience Building, Operations, Marketing Funnel - Step-by-step onboarding and helpful instructions - Lifetime access and duplicatable database - 5 new prompts for 6 months (+30 prompts)

Doing marketing has never been easier.

4️⃣ What's next?

We would love to hear your thoughts on Marketing Mega-Prompts. What do you like about it? What prompts should we add?

Massive shout-out to the 85 Early Bird customers who have supported us already on this journey. We appreciate you ❤️

Let’s talk in the comments!

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Joyk means Joy of geeK