Migrating to Jetpack Compose: a step by step journey

 1 year ago
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Migrating to Jetpack Compose: a step by step journey

12 May 2023 · 10 min

Some time ago, I decided to migrate Secure QR Reader to Jetpack Compose (in the rest of the article, I will call it Compose, for brevity). QR Reader Secure is a simple QR Reader that I developed some years ago after a failed search for a simple and secure reader for my parents that doesn’t require sneaky, strange, and useless permissions.

The app was basic and fully working with the old View system, but I wanted to move to Compose to experience the entire migration process.

This article will be a journal that describes the journey to Compose step by step. There will be a correspondent commit for each step, so keeping track of the changes will be possible. This way, I want to be helpful to all the people that want to start the migration.

Note: The migration happened about a year ago, so the dependencies are not entirely up to date, and some APIs could have changed in the meantime. The article’s point is not to show how you can do things in detail but rather to give the idea of the approach that can be followed to migrate to Compose.

Gradle Setup#

In every significant migration, there will always be some Gradle work involved. First, it is necessary to enable the Compose feature and set the Compose Compiler Kotlin version in the build.gradle(.kts) file.

android {
    buildFeatures {
        compose = true

    composeOptions {
        kotlinCompilerExtensionVersion = "<compiler-version>"

The Compose Compiler version is tied to the Kotlin version. A compatibility map to help with the choice can be found in the documentation.

The next step is adding some dependencies, depending on the application’s needs. The Compose team recently introduced the Compose BOM (Bill of Materials) that links together the stable version of all the different Compose libraries. In this way, it’s only necessary to specify the BOM version, and the correct library’s version will be pulled.

dependencies {
    val composeBom = platform("androidx.compose:compose-bom:$bom_version")
    implementation composeBom
    androidTestImplementation composeBom

    // Choose one of the following:
    // Material Design 3
    // or Material Design 2
    // or skip Material Design and build directly on top of foundational components
    // or only import the main APIs for the underlying toolkit systems,
    // such as input and measurement/layout

    // Android Studio Preview support

    // UI Tests

    // Optional - Included automatically by material, only add when you need
    // the icons but not the material library (e.g. when using Material3 or a
    // custom design system based on Foundation)
    // Optional - Add full set of material icons
    // Optional - Add window size utils

    // Optional - Integration with activities
    // Optional - Integration with ViewModels
    // Optional - Integration with LiveData
    // Optional - Integration with RxJava


From https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/setup#kotlin_1

After this setup, Jetpack Compose is ready to be used.

Commit: “Move to gradle kts. Start integrating Gradle Version Catalog”

N.B. The above commit was done before the introduction of the BOM.

Reuse existing Theme with Material Theme Adapter#

An existing application already has one or more themes defined in XML. With Compose instead, the theme definition is done with Kotlin code.

Rewriting the entire theming in Compose before moving on with the migration will be time-consuming and slow things down. Furthermore, since a theme is already defined, it would be amazing to have a bridge between the two worlds and postpone the theme migration. And here comes the Material Theme Adapter.

After importing the library into the project

dependencies {
    implementation "com.google.accompanist:accompanist-themeadapter-material:<version>"

a new Material Theme called MdcTheme will be created.

MdcTheme {
    // ...

The theme adapter will only work if the Activity/Context theme extends a Theme.MaterialComponents theme, and it will automatically infer colors, typography, and shapes.

For example, all the items defined in the following theme

    <!-- Base application theme. -->
    <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.NoActionBar">
        <!-- Customize your theme here. -->
        <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
        <item name="colorPrimaryVariant">@color/colorPrimaryVariant</item>
        <item name="textAppearanceButton">@style/TextAppearance.SecureQRReader.Button</item>

        <item name="shapeAppearanceSmallComponent">@style/AppShapeAppearance.SmallComponent</item>

    <style name="TextAppearance.SecureQRReader.Button" parent="TextAppearance.MaterialComponents.Body1">
        <item name="fontFamily">@font/poppins_regular</item>
        <item name="android:textSize">16sp</item>

    <style name="AppShapeAppearance.SmallComponent" parent="ShapeAppearance.MaterialComponents.SmallComponent">
        <item name="cornerSize">@dimen/card_corner_radius</item>
        <item name="cornerFamily">rounded</item>

can be retrieved from MaterialTheme.colors, MaterialTheme.typography, and MaterialTheme.shapes after applying the MdcTheme theme.

This way, the migration to Compose can start without having to worry about the theme and without the need to duplicate theme definitions. Theming can be migrated in a later stage after all the other screens.

Commit: “Migrate WelcomeActivity to compose”

N.B. The above commit uses an old version of the material theme adapter artifacts. Now these libraries are deprecated in favor of the new Accompanist Theme Adapter artifacts. More details are available in the migration guide.

Migrate to Compose while keeping Activity and Fragments#

After some housekeeping work, it’s finally time to write some Composables.

Jetpack Compose is fully interoperable with the View system, and the degree of migration can be decided depending on the project. Furthermore, it is possible to choose what to write with Compose: a full app, the content of one Fragment, or an UI element. That is made possible by the Interoperability APIs.

This is quite handy, especially in large projects, because it enables the migration without touching the existing architecture and navigation system. With ComposeView, for example, it will be possible to keep a current Fragment and replace the UI definition from the XML with a composable function.

class ResultFragment : Fragment() {

    override fun onCreateView(
        inflater: LayoutInflater,
        container: ViewGroup?,
        savedInstanceState: Bundle?,
    ): View {

        val qrResult: String? = arguments?.getString(QR_RESULT)

        return ComposeView(requireContext()).apply {
            setContent {
                MdcTheme {
                        scanResult = qrResult,
                        isUrl = isUrl(qrResult),
                        onOpenButtonClick = { openUrl(qrResult) },
                        onCopyButtonClick = { copyToClipboard(qrResult) },
                        onShareButtonClick = { shareResult(qrResult) },
                        onScanAnotherButtonClick = { performAnotherScan() }
private fun ResultScreen(
    scanResult: String? = null,
    isUrl: Boolean = false,
    onOpenButtonClick: () -> Unit = {},
    onCopyButtonClick: () -> Unit = {},
    onShareButtonClick: () -> Unit = {},
    onScanAnotherButtonClick: () -> Unit = {},
) {
    // ...

This way, the migration will be gradual and faster, not with a big-bang approach.

Commit: “Migrate AboutActivity to compose”

Commit: “Migrate ResultFragment to compose”

Commit: “Migrate ScanFragment to compose”

Create a Compose Theme#

After migrating every screen to Compose, the next steps are focused on making the app “more Compose”. The first thing that can be addressed is creating a Compose theme. This way, the XML themes definitions can be deleted.

Compose makes it easy to implement Material 3 and Material 2 themes.

For this application, I’m using Material 2. While defining a theme, it’s possible to customize colors, shapes, and typography.

internal object LightAppColors {
    val primary = Color(0XFF1565c0)
    val primaryVariant = Color(0xFF3700B3)
    // ...

internal object DarkAppColors {
    val primary = Color(0XFF102a43)
    val primaryVariant = Color(0xFF3700B3)
    // ...

internal val SecureQrReaderShapes = Shapes(
    small = RoundedCornerShape(16.dp),
    medium = RoundedCornerShape(16.dp),
    large = RoundedCornerShape(16.dp)

internal val LightThemeColors = lightColors(
    primary = LightAppColors.primary,
    primaryVariant = LightAppColors.primaryVariant,
    // ...

internal val DarkThemeColors = darkColors(
    primary = DarkAppColors.primary,
    primaryVariant = DarkAppColors.primaryVariant,
    // ...

Those customizations will be injected into the definition of the theme.

internal fun SecureQrReaderTheme(
    darkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(),
    content: @Composable () -> Unit,
) {
        colors = if (darkTheme) DarkThemeColors else LightThemeColors,
        typography = SecureQrReaderTypography,
        shapes = SecureQrReaderShapes,
        content = content

At this point, the Material Theme Adapter can be removed

dependencies {
-    implementation "com.google.accompanist:accompanist-themeadapter-material:<version>"

and the MdcTheme can be replaced with SecureQrReaderTheme

private fun AboutScreen() {
-   MdcTheme {
+   SecureQrReaderTheme {
        // ...

Commit: “Migrate to compose theme”

All-in with Compose#

At this point, it’s time to go full Compose. I decided to go forward with the migration to try the entire experience, but having a “mixed” application would be fine, especially for really complex existing applications.

Goodbye Activities and Fragments#

The first step is deleting all the Activities and Fragments and use Jetpack Navigation for Compose. To use Jetpack Navigation in Compose, it is necessary to add the dependency:

dependencies {
    implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-compose:<version>"

Next, a NavHost, that will contain all the different Composable functions that the app requires, can be defined.

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {
            val navController = rememberNavController()

                navController = navController, 
                startDestination = Screen.Splash.name
            ) {

                composable(Screen.Splash.name) {

                composable(Screen.WelcomeScreen.name) {

                composable(Screen.ScanScreen.name) {

                composable(Screen.ResultScreen.name) {

                composable(Screen.AboutScreen.name) {

The NavHost is placed in the MainActivity, the only Activity that will be kept with the new Compose-only app setup.

For more information about Navigation in Compose, you can look at the official documentation.

Handling Permissions#

To easily manage Android Runtime Permissions on Compose, there is an Accompanist library called Jetpack Compose Permissions.

Accompanist is a group of libraries provided by Google to help with commonly required features not yet available in Jetpack Compose, for example, permissions, system UI controllers, navigation animation, etc.

As usual, it is first necessary to import the library artifact:

dependencies {
    implementation "com.google.accompanist:accompanist-permissions:<version>"

After that, it is possible to define a state with the requested permission, launch the permission request, and build a UI depending on the permission state. The rememberPermissionState will ensure that the status of the permission will be kept across different recompositions.

val cameraPermissionState = rememberPermissionState(

LaunchedEffect(Unit) {

when(cameraPermissionState.status) {
    PermissionStatus.Granted -> {
        // ...

    is PermissionStatus.Denied -> {
        // ...

Commit: “Go full compose”

Status Bar color handling#

To delete more XML theming, I used System UI Controller for Jetpack Compose from Accompanist. The library provides some utilities for updating the System UI bar colors directly from Compose. As usual, it is first necessary to import the library:

dependencies {
    implementation "com.google.accompanist:accompanist-systemuicontroller:<version>"

The status bar and icon colors can then be modified with the setStatusBarColor function:

val systemUiController = rememberSystemUiController()
val minLuminanceForDarkIcons = .5f

SideEffect {
        color = actualBackgroundColor,
        darkIcons = actualBackgroundColor.luminance() > minLuminanceForDarkIcons

Commit: “Use accompanist system ui controller to change status bar color”

Navigation Animations#

To have a better user experience, I decided to add some transitions between different screens. To do that, Accompanist comes to the rescue again, with the Jetpack Navigation Compose Animation library.

After adding the dependency:

dependencies {
    implementation "com.google.accompanist:accompanist-navigation-animation:<version>"

the navController and the NavHost must be replaced with animatedNavController and AnimatedNavHost. The AnimatedNavHost enhance the regular NavHost with some parameters to customize all the transitions.

val navController = rememberAnimatedNavController()

    navController = navController,
    startDestination = Screen.Splash.name,
    enterTransition = { fadeIn() + slideIntoContainer(AnimatedContentScope.SlideDirection.Start) },
    exitTransition = { fadeOut() + slideOutOfContainer(AnimatedContentScope.SlideDirection.Start) },
    popEnterTransition = { fadeIn() + slideIntoContainer(AnimatedContentScope.SlideDirection.End) },
    popExitTransition = { fadeOut() + slideOutOfContainer(AnimatedContentScope.SlideDirection.End) }
) {
    // ...

Commit: “Move to Animated Nav Host”

Landscape Support#

The final step in this migration journey is adding support for the landscape orientation. I guilty skipped YOLOed this step during the app’s first iteration because it was too painful to support. But with Compose, it’s not necessary to have different XMLs but only to check the current configuration and return a specific Composable function.

val configuration = LocalConfiguration.current

when (configuration.orientation) {
    Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE -> {
        LandscapeView(showOnGithubClicked, licensesClicked, nameClicked)
    else -> {
        PortraitView(showOnGithubClicked, licensesClicked, nameClicked)

Commit:" Add horizontal orientation support"


And that was the journey of migrating Secure QR Reader to Jetpack Compose.

The main takeaway of this journey is that Compose can be iteratively introduced in an application without a big-bang approach. It’s possible to migrate only a little UI element, an entire screen, or the whole application. The process can be done step by step as I did for my app, and it’s even possible to stop in the middle of the process and keep having a fully functioning app.

I hope that this article will be helpful for all the developers embarking on their own migration journey to Jetpack Compose. You can check out Secure QR Reader on Github or download it from the Play Store.

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK