ST05: Aggregate Trace Records

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ST05: Aggregate Trace Records

This is a follow-up to my blog post on the Basic Use of ST05. Here I explain various options for aggregating trace records. They greatly facilitate the analysis of a trace.

If you have not yet done so, please read the introductory post Use ST05 to Monitor the Communication of the ABAP Work Process with External Resources. There I describe how my measurement transactions STATS and STATS_FE help you to detect performance bugs in your applications, and that ST05 is an essential analysis tool to find root causes for applications that are too slow or consume too many resources. In particular, it captures requests and data transmissions between the ABAP work process and external components. By default these transmissions are not recorded to not incur the associated overhead. You need to consciously and explicitly activate the recording, and subsequently must switch it off. Once you have a high quality trace of your applications’ communications with external resources, you want to evaluate it in the most efficient way.

Fig. 1 shows the ALV list of Trace Main Records for the Audit Journal Fiori application F0997 with records for the interface types SQL, Enqueue, HTTP, and RFC. Refer to my Basic Use blog post for a complete description of the scope and purpose of the Trace Main Records. With its chronological sort order, the list provides a comprehensive picture of the application’s communication with external agents, but it does not draw your attention to the most expensive statements, nor does it indicate events that have been executed multiple times or even redundantly. It also does not distinguish between statements related to the involved technical frameworks and statements that contribute to the business logic.


Figure 1: In the chronologically sorted list of Trace Main Records, each entry corresponds to one execution of an ABAP statement calling an external resource, or to the processing of an incoming request.

To remedy these shortcomings,ST05 offers various options to summarize the list of Trace Main Records, which make your work with previously recorded traces much more efficient. They are all accessible from the drop-down menu of button Aggregate Trace  ST05_Aggregate_AggregateTrace.png. Table 1 briefly introduces them, and the following sections describe them in detail.

Table 1: Aggregation levels supported by ST05. Structure-Identical Statements Specific values of bind variables are not considered. Value-Identical Statements Structure-identical statements where the bind variables have the same values. Table Accesses Statements from the same category (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, …) affecting an object via the same database connection.
(Only for trace types SQL, BUF.) Trace Overview Quality control of the trace, break-down of records by type, and high-level evaluation with hints for potential optimizations Sizing Information Estimates the data volume added by the traced application to the database.

The main benefit of trace aggregation is for trace types SQL and BUF. They record concrete values used in individual statements, leading to a large variety of trace records. Aggregation creates a significantly shorter list of records, giving you a much better overview of the various kinds of statements and their durations or resource consumptions.

Structure-Identical Statements

The list of Structure-Identical Statements (Fig. 2) summarizes identical Trace Main Records without considering the actual values for any bind variables. The resulting list is augmented by some statistics on the set of main records contributing to each entry, and (for SQL, BUF, and ENQ trace records) by metadata from the ABAP dictionary on the affected table, view, or lock object. Table 2 covers the columns that are shown in the default ALV grid layout. You may add a few additional fields with more technical content by changing the list’s layout.


Figure 2: The list of Structure-Identical Statements summarizes the Trace Main Records for statements with the same structure, but potentially distinct values for bind variables. The list is sorted descending by Duration.

Table 2: Fields in the default layout of the list of Structure-Identical Statements. Executions Total number of executions of the structure-identical statements. Redundancy Absolute number of redundant value-identical statements. Identical Relative number of redundant value-identical statements. Duration Total elapsed execution time in µs of the structure-identical statements.
(Measured by the ABAP work process.) CPU Time Total HANA CPU time in µs used during the structure-identical statements’ executions.
(Only for SQL trace records on SAP HANA.)
(Measured by the SAP HANA DB server.) Memory Maximum memory consumption in kByte during the structure-identical statements’ executions.
(Only for SQL trace records on SAP HANA.​)
(Measured by the SAP HANA DB server.) Records Total number of records returned by the structure-identical statements.
(SQL, BUF: number of table or view rows;
ENQ: number of lock granules)
(Not for RFC, HTTP, APC, and AMC trace records.​) Duration / Execution Average execution time in µs per statement. Records / Execution Average number of records returned per statement. Duration / Record Average execution time in µs per record.
(Records = 0 ⇒ average duration per statement.) Min. Duration / Record Minimum execution time in µs per record.
(Records = 0 ⇒ minimum duration of contributing statements.) Length Nametab record length in Byte of the table or view.
(Only for SQL and BUF trace records.​) Buffer Type Buffer type of the table or view.
(Only for SQL and BUF trace records.​) Table Type Table type of the table or view.
(Only for SQL and BUF trace records.​) Data Class Type of data stored in the table.
(Only for SQL and BUF trace records.​) Size Estimated size category of the table.
(Only for SQL and BUF trace records.​) Object Name Name of the object that was accessed.
(SQL, BUF: table or view; ENQ: lock object;
RFC: function; HTTP, APC: path; AMC: channel ID) Statement Edited statement.
(SQL: field list and FROM clause removed, variable names as place holders for values;
BUF: buffer type, length of key values in characters, buffer operation;
ENQ: lock operation, lock mode, table, granule argument;
RFC: source, destination, CLIENT or SERVER, function, sent data in Byte;
HTTP: method, status code, status text, scheme, host, port, CLIENT or SERVER, path;
APC: executed action, protocol, host, port, CLIENT or SERVER, path;
AMC: <empty>)

The sort order is descending by Duration, so that the most expensive statements are at the top. They have the biggest impact on the application’s end-to-end response time and are the first entry point to a detailed investigation, which shall also consider the number of Records affected by the statement.
If Min. Duration / Record exceeds 10,000 µs = 10 ms for SELECTs, or 50,000 µs = 50 ms for INSERTs, UPDATEs, or DELETEs, the statement’s execution on the database is slow and shall be investigated in detail. If a statement has been executed multiple times (e.g., Executions ≥ 10), consider the value of average Duration / Record in addition to Min. Duration / Record. With few executions, a single outlier may distort the average, i.e., one slow execution may conceal several fast executions, but with 10 or more executions, it should be reliable and taken seriously. In my upcoming blog post Analyze Individual Trace Records, I will explain how you can recognize the database’s processing of a slow statement and how this may indicate optimization approaches.

Other purely technical indicators for potential improvements related to SQL trace records are indicated by

  • Columns Redundancy or IdenticalThey shall contain only zeros. These columns show the absolute number or relative number, respectively, of redundant value-identical statements within the corresponding set of structure-identical statements. These duplicate value-identical statements repeatedly access the same rows on the database, instead of taking their content from the application’s state in the application server instance. This is slower than necessary and wastes precious resources on the database server. You need to eliminate them.
  • Column Buffer Type
    It shall be empty. If a table’s technical settings is Buffering switched on, the vast majority of Open SQL statements against this table shall be handled by the table buffer on the application server instance. Then they will not be recorded by an SQL trace. SQL trace records where Buffer Type equals FUL, GEN, or SNG indicate that the table buffer was bypassed, which slows down the application, puts unnecessary load on the database server, and does not take advantage of the application server memory used to buffer the table’s rows. Rewrite the corresponding statements so that they can be handled by the table buffer. Values in the Buffer Type column starting with DE represent the technical setting Buffering allowed but switched off. Check whether buffering can be switched on for the affected tables. Buffer Type = CUST identifies accesses to unbuffered customizing tables (Data Class = APPL2). Consider whether you can switch on buffering for the table—this is typically suitable for customizing data. Finally, the entry DDIC in the Buffer Type column indicates direct accesses to tables belonging to the ABAP dictionary. Replace them by using functions DDIF*, in particular DDIF_NAMETAB_GET or DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET.
  • Columns Executions and Records / Execution
    Entries with a large number of Executions and Records / Execution ≈ 1 may indicate single row SQL statements nested inside a loop. Consider a mass-enabled approach to reduce the number of data transfers.

With domain knowledge about the application’s business logic and its purpose, you may identify further critical statements by looking at

  • Columns Object Name and Statement
    For SQL trace records: Does the application need rows from the table or view? If yes, is the statement’s WHERE clause as restrictive as possible, and does the field list request only necessary columns?
    For the other trace types, similar questions apply, and help to identify potentially unnecessary communication events triggered by your application.
  • Column Executions
    Are all executions required for the application to be functionally correct?
  • Column Records
    Does the number of rows make sense? Are all the rows needed by the application? Can you use code push-down (at least in the form of SQL aggregate functions) to calculate on the database instead of transferring many rows to the ABAP work process?

With button Absolute <-> Relative Values  ST05_Aggregate_IconAbsRel.png you can toggle between these two options for columns Executions, Duration, CPU Time, and Records. The relative values are expressed as percentages of the respective totals.
The drop-down menu of button Break Down Trace Record  ST05_Aggregate_IconBreakDown.png allows you to view either the contributing Trace Main Records or the associated Value-Identical Statements for selected list entries.

Value-Identical Statements

The list of Value-Identical Statements (Fig. 3) also summarizes identical Trace Main Records, but unlike the Structure-Identical Statements, it takes the concrete values for any bind variables into account. This aggregation supports only SQL, BUF, and ENQ trace records. These are the only trace types where values are recorded. The columns in the list of Value-Identical Statements are mostly like the ones for the Structure-Identical Statements. Table 3 contains the differences.


Figure 3: The list of Value-Identical Statements summarizes Trace Main Records for statements with the same structure, and with identical values for bind variables. The list is sorted descending by Duration.

Table 3: Fields in the default layout of the list of Value-Identical Statements, which differ from the fields for the Structure-Identical Statements. Executions Total number of executions of the value-identical statements. Redundancy Not available—covered by Executions. Identical Not available—covered by Executions. Statement Edited statement.
(SQL: field list and FROM clause removed, variable values;
BUF: buffer type, length of key values in characters, key values;
ENQ: lock operation, lock mode, table, granule argument)

The list of Value-Identical Statements is sorted descending by Duration. Records with Execution = 1 are suppressed.

Value-identical SQL statements read the same data multiple times from the database, thus create unnecessary load. Identical data can be read redundantly by statements that are not value-identical―and not even structure-identical. This is not visible in the list of Value-Identical Statements. All unnecessary accesses to the persistence layer must be eliminated. This is a more comprehensive demand than just removing value-identical SQL statements. Unfortunately, there is no support in ST05 (nor in any other tool) to find all superfluous SQL statements.
Click button Break Down Trace Record  ST05_Aggregate_IconBreakDown-1.png to see the Trace Main Records contributing to the selected Value-Identical Statements.

Table Accesses

The Table Accesses aggregation (Fig. 4) combines statements by their type, separately for each object . It aggregates all SQL trace records corresponding to statements of the same category (e.g., SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) that access a table or view over the same logical database connection. Similarly,  all BUF trace records triggered by statements that were handled by the table buffer or by other buffers on the application server instance, and that access an object with the same number of key fields are aggregated. No other trace types are supported by this aggregation option. Table 4 contains the fields displayed in the Table Accesses list.


Figure 4: The list of Table Accesses summarizes, separately for each table or view, all statements of the same category. The sort order is alphabetically by Object Name, Statement category, and Connection Name.

Table 4: Fields in the default layout of the Table Accesses. Object Name Name of the table or view that was accessed. Length Nametab record length in Byte of the table or view. Buffer Type Buffer type of the table or view. Table Type Table type of the table or view. Data Class Type of data stored in the table. Size Estimated size category of the table. Statement Category of statement
BUF: buffer type, key length Connection Name Name of the logical database connection used by the contributing statements. Duration Total elapsed execution time in µs of the contributing statements.
(Measured by the ABAP work process.) CPU Time Total HANA CPU time in µs used during the contributing statements’ executions.
(Only for SQL trace records on SAP HANA.)
(Measured by the SAP HANA DB server.) Memory Maximum memory consumption in kByte during the contributing statements’ executions.
(Only for SQL trace records on SAP HANA.​)
(Measured by the SAP HANA DB server.) Records Total number of table or view rows affected by the contributing statements. Executions Total number of executions of statements of the specified category against the table or view.

The list is sorted ascending by Object Name, category of Statement, and Connection Name.

The Table Accesses display provides a highly condensed survey of the tables with which the traced application works and how it affects them. Use it to verify that there are no expensive accesses to tables that have no relevance to the business process served by the application, and to make sure that the required accesses have good performance.

As in the list of Structure-Identical Statements, button Absolute <-> Relative Values  ST05_Aggregate_IconAbsRel.png toggles between these options for columns Duration, CPU Time, Records, and Executions.

Button Component Hierarchy  ST05_Aggregate_IconComponentHierarchy.png enhances the list of the Table Accesses (Fig. 5). It groups the accessed tables by their application component (levels 0 and 1 are supported, level 0 is the default, buttons  ST05_Aggregate_IconComponentHierarchyLevel1.png or  ST05_Aggregate_IconComponentHierarchyLevel0.png toggle between the levels), and additionally shows the tables’ DDIC short descriptions. For each application component, absolute and relative subtotals of the duration, the number of records, and the number of executions are given separately for the statement categories (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE; buffer accesses) and across all categories. 


Figure 5: The Application Component Hierarchy view augments the list of Table Accesses (Fig. 4) by including the tables’ application components and descriptions. With this additional information you can better understand why the tables are accessed when the application executes. The grouping by application component helps you to judge the run time contributions of the components.

Use this enriched list of Table Accesses to understand the software domains used—either directly or via intermediary frameworks—by your application, and to assess how much they impact your application’s performance. It may also uncover unnecessary accesses which you can eliminate without breaking your application’s functional correctness.

Trace Overview

The Trace Overview (Fig. 6) provides a quality control of the trace and a high-level analysis to indicate potential problem areas.


Figure 6: The Trace Overview evaluates the trace’s technical quality and identifies performance bugs.

It is divided into several areas:

  1. At the top, the main characteristics of the system are shown. Note that this corresponds to the situation when and where the Trace Overview was called. It is not necessarily related to the circumstances in which the application was executed. This is particularly true for old traces from the trace directory, and even more so for traces imported from other systems.
    Then, the time intervals between start and end of the trace analysis period and between first and last trace record are compared. A large discrepancy may indicate that the trace is incomplete.
  2. The next part evaluates the trace’s technical quality and reliability. If it contains ROLLBACKs, OPEN operations, or SQL statements that load content into the table buffer on the application server instance, you have not executed enough pre-runs before recording the trace. The Trace Overview then advises you to Consider re-recording the trace. Before doing so, execute the application several times. Typically, you want to analyze and eventually optimize the repeated executions of your applications. For them, there should not be any ROLLBACKs. Also, all SQL statements should already be in the database server’s statement cache so that no OPEN operation is needed, and the table buffer should contain all necessary rows.
  3. The following region condenses the trace by the records’ types (SQL, BUF, ENQ, …), and within the types resolves the main statement categories. Values for Executions, Duration, and Records are given as absolute numbers and as percentages of the respective totals.
  4. Finally, the trace is analyzed for violations of common best practices to identify problematic or suspicious patterns like unnecessary accesses to the persistence layer, e.g., SELECTs for buffered tables or redundant DB accesses. Additionally, the SQL trace records are checked by Code Inspector to find statements whose access times to the persistence may erroneously depend on the amount of data persisted because of inadequate index support. 
    One section also deals with accesses to CDS views to ensure that analytical CDS views are not used in transactional applications. If the trace contains SQL statements that access transactional CDS views, this section also suggest that you verify the modelling of these views. It must guarantee that SQL queries against them have response times and CPU consumptions independent of the data volume saved in the underlying tables.

Use this aggregation option to convince yourself that the trace is reliable and to obtain a quick survey of  the variety of recorded statements. This may give you some guidance for more detailed analyses.

Sizing Information

The Sizing Information (Fig. 7) covers only changing database accesses, i.e., INSERTs, DELETEs, and MODIFYs. It estimates the impact of the corresponding SQL statements recorded in the trace on the data volume stored in the database. This provides important input for correctly sizing the storage capacity of the production system landscape where the application will be executed.


Figure 7: The Sizing Information calculates rough estimates for the change of the data volume stored in the database caused by the statements recorded in the trace. Uncertainties are produced by not knowing whether MODIFYs have added new rows or changed existing rows. Another source of uncertainty is related to table fields of types whose sizes are not statically predetermined.

The top of the Sizing Information contains the main characteristics of the system, identical to the top row in the Trace Overview (Fig. 6).
Then, in section Number of INSERTs, MODIFYs, and DELETEs per Table, it alphabetically lists the database tables affected by INSERT, DELETE, or MODIFY statements, and shows the numbers of rows affected by statements in these categories. Because a MODIFY can either insert new rows into a database table or update existing rows, two values per table are calculated for the overall net number of changed rows: The difference of INSERTs and DELETEs considers all MODIFYs as updates of existing rows. This is a lower limit for the net number of rows created by the application. The opposite approach treats all MODIFYs as if they insert new rows: It uses the sum of INSERTs and MODIFYs minus the DELETEs to obtain an upper limit for the net number of changed rows in each table. UPDATEs are not consider in the Sizing Information because they never add rows to a database table.
The next area, Size of Tables, Primary Keys, and Secondary Indexes, summarizes the static sizes in Bytes of the changed tables, including their indexes. It also indicates whether tables or indexes contain fields of type LRAW (X in column LRAW) or of types STRING, RAWSTRING, or TEXT (X in column VAR). The size of the content of these fields is not known statically and taken to be 0, acting as a lower limit. Finally, it provides the tables’ descriptions from the ABAP data dictionary.
Based on this information, section Estimation of Data Volume Added approximates the change to the database’s overall size by the statements recorded in the trace: For each table its length plus the lengths of its indexes are summed up. These table-specific sums are then multiplied by either number of changed rows (as explained above) and the resulting sets of products are totalled and given in Bytes, kBytes, and MBytes. Typically, these values are lower limits for the change in the stored data volume, but in some situations may be overestimates. To guard against negative consequences of storage system under-sizing, you should always consider them lower limits and try to assess the impact of those table fields whose sizes are not statically known. From previous experience, you may know their average size in typical production systems.

Your storage system sizing must be based on a trace that  covers the entire business process with all user interaction steps from end to end. Do not apply any filter conditions while recording the trace.

Individual Records

So far, this blog post was all about aggregating several Trace Main Records that share some common properties. But you can also move in the opposite direction. For trace types SQL and BUF, the Trace Main Records are already combinations of individual Trace Single Records, which represent low-level operations involved in the processing of the database or buffer accesses. From the list of Trace Main Records, button Display Individual Records ST05_Aggregate_IconIndividualRecords.png takes you to the Trace Single Records (Fig. 8). Table 5 explains the columns that are not in the Trace Main Records.


Figure 8: The chronologically sorted list of Trace Single Records shows the individual trace records without any aggregation. The three selected entries are combined into one Trace Main Record (cf. Fig. 1).

Table 5: Fields in the default layout of the list of Trace Single Records, which are not also part of the Trace Main Records. Instance Name Application server instance where the statement was triggered. Operation Operation that was executed.
(RFC, HTTP: Client or Server) Return Code Return code of the executed operation.

The Trace Single Records are sorted chronologically. The main value of this full resolution view on the trace records is mostly as an entry point to a technical analysis of how the database server or the buffers on the application server instances have handled table accesses via (Open) SQL statements. Investigations from a business logic perspective hardly ever work with the Trace Single Records.


Compared to the default list of chronologically sorted Trace Main Records, the various aggregation levels offered by ST05 greatly improve its manifold capabilities to analyze traces in an efficient way.

The high-level Trace Overview offers a very basic quality control of the trace recording. It can also identify performance bugs and indicate suspicious database accesses.
The Table Accesses view shows you with which tables your application works and what categories of statements it uses on these tables. Use it with your knowledge of the underlying business logic to detect unnecessary table accesses.
The list of Structure-Identical Statements focusses on statements with a common form and indicates slow statements or statements that are better handled by the application server instances’ buffers. The list of Value-Identical Statements concentrates even stronger on redundant, therefore superfluous, statements with the same bind variable values. You must eliminate them to accelerate your application and to take load away from the central database server.
The Sizing Information has a different objective and supports the forecast of the required storage capacity by estimating how much the changing SQL statements of an application change the  persisted data volume.

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK