Masters of Scale with Reid Hoffman - Unilever’s Paul Polman: How redefining boun...

 1 year ago
source link: https://nextbigwhat.com/ideas/masters-of-scale-with-reid-hoffman-unilevers-paul-polman-how-redefining-boundaries-drives-performance
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Leadership boundaries

Leaders should redefine boundaries to create a refreshed sense of purpose, inspiring a new perspective that energizes people to reach their goals.

Redrawing boundaries can spark new ideas, increase ambition, and revitalize teamwork. It's important to revisit and redefine boundaries as we evolve, whether through small changes or a complete overhaul of our goals and mission.

Expanding leadership boundaries can positively impact team engagement, company success, and the wider community. Embracing wider roles can serve as embedded executive training for future leaders and present opportunities for growth. Quick-thinking skills can save lives in dangerous situations.

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