How To Set Up Your Chromecast With Google TV (2023)

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.slashgear.com/1280716/how-set-up-your-chromecast-google-tv-2023/
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How To Set Up Your Chromecast With Google TV (2023)

chromecast device and remote
By Elijah Rawls/Updated: May 13, 2023 6:40 pm EST

Trying to find the perfect streaming device for your home can be confusing, so sometimes, it's best to go with the product that has it all. Fortunately, Chromecast with Google TV gives you everything from a stable device to download and utilize video streaming apps like Netflix and HBO Max, and hardware to also cast content from your laptop or mobile device.


Formerly known as Android TV, Google TV offers the same benefits as the previous software. The software giant is at the tail-end of a two-year transition process from its existing streaming service, so you may already own a TV from one of the compatible models, such as Sony or Hisense. If you do, it's important to note that you'll only want to use one or the other.

Setting up Chromecast with Google TV is just as easy as other popular streaming devices, such as Roku and Apple TV. Whether you're a tech expert or a novice, you should be up and running quickly.

How to know if Chromecast with Google TV is right for you

google search on laptop
Albert Garrido/Shutterstock

If you're already an avid user of Android and other software like Google Chrome and YouTube, using Chromecast with Google TV is a no-brainer. You can expect seamless integration and casting across all your devices, similar to Apple TV with iPhone and Mac. This level of compatibility allows you to watch and enjoy all your favorite content without constantly needing to replace HDMI cables.

Plus, with the integration of Google Assistant, users can also enjoy the convenience of voice commands, enhancing the overall user experience and making navigation a breeze.

Chromecast with Google TV currently comes in 4K and 1080p HDR. The 4K model costs $49.99, and the 1080p HDR version costs $29.99. Given the similarity in price, it can feel tempting to side with the more costly option. However, you should be sure you have subscriptions to 4K streaming content. Without it, your device will not offer any added benefits unless your streaming subscription is capable of outputting at 4K.

How to install Chromecast with Google TV

hdmi cable in TV

Setting up your new Chromecast with Google TV is a straightforward task; the only difference between it and other streaming devices is the need for a mobile device. Google asks you to use the Google Home app to finish the process, so make sure you can access a phone or tablet.

  1. Google recommends that you begin the installation process by plugging your Chromecast into the TV with an HDMI cable, and connecting the device to a stable power source.
  2. If the included remote doesn't pair independently, you must manually complete the process by simultaneously holding the Back and Home buttons.

After you've paired your remote, you should see prompts for continuing the installation with the Google Home.

  1. Download and install Google Home on your mobile phone or tablet.
  2. Within the app, select "Set up Chromecast" and wait until it automatically detects your Chromecast.
  3. Then, your TV will display a QR code for you to scan. Scan the code using the Google Home app, or hand-type the provided set-up code.
  4. Continue following the on-screen instructions until you've finished the app portion of the installation process.

If you don't have a mobile device, you can do the same using the provided Chromecast remote.

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